The Gold Investor’s Best Friend
For Over 50 Years
The Gold Investor’s Best Friend For Over 50 Years
Multiplying Investors’ Returns
In Today’s Gold Market
Gold Newsletter stands as the oldest and most respected precious metals and mining stock advisory in the world.
For more than five decades, investors seeking to grow and protect their wealth through real assets, with real and growing value, have profited greatly from the recommendations in this remarkable publication.
Today, they are enjoying some of the greatest profits in the long history of this newsletter, with many stock recommendations posting gains measured in hundreds of percent.
The Inevitability Of Higher Gold Prices
The massive stimulus plans, ever-easier monetary policies, bailouts and other government spending that have been showered onto global economies have created tens of trillions of dollars-worth of new currencies and unsustainable levels of debt.
We have never witnessed anything like this before. Over the long term, every currency will be debased; every economy will suffer from dramatic levels of inflation.
Moreover, there will be no currency…no economy…no market offering refuge for investors, except for gold and other tangibles.
The bottom line, of course, is that the price of gold is virtually assured of rising quite significantly as the supply of fiat currencies continues to explode. And gold stocks are likely to multiply the gains in gold itself.
Fortunes will be made by those who position themselves correctly.