On a road we can’t exit...
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On A Road We Can’t Exit

On a day when gold’s gone “viral,” let’s step back and contemplate the irreversible path ahead.

Dear Fellow Investor,

Gold has enjoyed a surge of demand in recent days — but once again for the wrong reasons.

It’s not some geopolitical dust-up this time, however. Instead, gold’s reacting to worries over the Chinese coronavirus that are, at least at this point, spreading more quickly than the disease itself.

I won’t opine on the severity of the risk this disease presents, as I’m no medical authority. We can only hope that the fears are overblown, and I am encouraged by the quick and forthright reaction by the Chinese (for a change).

Of course, the logic of a gold-price rally on news of a potential pandemic escapes me, much as it does when the metal spikes higher when missiles fly in some far corner of the world.

These buying surges are a version of the greater fool theory in action — those who buy gold on such events are simply betting that they’ll be able to sell it to someone else at a higher price.

The real reason to buy gold is not because of unexpected events, but because of entirely expected developments. Specifically, the inevitable devaluation of fiat currencies as debts balloon out of control.

It’s the same basic plotline that has been followed time and again throughout human history, and it’s the road we’re on once again.

Rather than lecture you once again on why we’re in this pickle, what the implications are and how you can protect yourself, I invite you to watch two videos that clearly explain it all.

An Amazing New Webinar By Peak Prosperity

The first offering is a webinar recently conducted by my friends at Peak Prosperity, Chris Martenson and Adam Taggart. These guys are really good, and I’ve enjoyed the opportunity to participate in a few podcasts with them.

This one, which features Mike Maloney, Grant Williams and Charles Hugh Smith along with Chris and Adam, is entitled “WTF: What The Fed?!” Frankly, it may be the best webinar I’ve ever seen Peak Prosperity produce.

But don’t take my word for it: Watch this compelling trailer here.


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The Speech I Just Gave In Vancouver

The second video you should watch is the speech I just gave at the Metals Investor Forum in Vancouver.

As I like to do, I summarized the long-term case for gold, touching on why negative real rates will maintain for as long as the current monetary regime is in force and the possibility of a U.S. sovereign debt default.

I debuted some new charts in this presentation, including one that shows the inevitability of a negative fed funds rate here in the U.S. — and sooner than you’d imagine.

I also show why silver has — and will — outperform gold going forward.

I think you’ll find this presentation very interesting and rewarding. You can watch it here.

Invest The Time To See The Future

I firmly believe that these two videos outline a future that is not just possible, but inescapable.

In short, we’re on a path that we couldn’t get off of if we tried. And instead of trying, the powers that be are racing even more quickly ahead.

You need to be prepared...so relax and take a few minutes to see into the future.

All the best,

Brien Lundin
Editor, Gold Newsletter
CEO, the New Orleans Investment Conference

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