Whatever it takes...
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Gold Newsletter Preview:

Whatever It Takes

For better or worse, economic and fiscal restraint have been thrown out the window.

The repercussions will be with us for years to come...and very bullish for metals.

Dear Fellow Investor,

It was sometime in September or October of 2005 when my cell phone rang.

I was in my Suburban, pulling up to my sister’s home in Waveland, Mississippi to help her rip out sheetrock in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. She’d been relatively lucky, on fairly high ground a few miles from the beach, having gotten only about four feet of water in her home.

My boat, pulled back from my condo on the beach to her property in advance of the storm, had simply floated up, trailer and all, turned around and settled safely down once the storm surge had retreated.

My condo development, hit by an estimated 30-foot wall of water, had been scraped clean to the sand. Nothing to salvage there, but in the day-by-day life I was living then, today had been set aside to help my sister recover and rebuild.

But before I could step out of my vehicle, I answered the phone...and managed to stifle my surprise when the caller identified himself as a reporter for the Wall Street Journal.

He wanted to get my views on gold, which had begun to charge toward $500/ounce. I’m sure he got excited, though, once he discovered that he’d gotten a hold of a real-life Katrina survivor. As we were discovering, this was the human-interest story of the decade.

So it didn’t take much encouragement from him to get me waxing rhapsodically on my experiences and views from on the ground. Trying to keep it at least a bit on point, I shared my amazement at the sheer, awe-inspiring power of the federal government and its spending capability.

One way I used to summarize it back then was simply “metal in the air.” The number of helicopters passing overhead in rescue and resupply efforts, for weeks on end, likely made anything seen in Vietnam pale in comparison.

Driven in equal parts by the human tragedy unfolding and the political implications of the initial under-reaction, the government’s checkbook had been opened wide. Whatever was needed, no matter the cost, was being deployed in urgent fashion.

Sound familiar?

Similar to the 2008 Great Financial Crisis and today’s pandemic response, back then I shared with the Journal reporter my heartfelt view that this spending splurge would be tremendously bullish for gold.

I was right. And I was wrong.


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Why This Time Is Different

The story above is taken from the lead article of this month’s Gold Newsletter, sent out just yesterday.

In the rest of this issue, I take a look at three of the major rescue operations of the U.S. government that I’ve witnessed first-hand — Hurricane Katrina, the 2008 Great Financial Crisis and today’s Covid-19 pandemic — and explore their similarities and differences.

Most importantly, I show why the massive economic stimulus programs of today are crucially different from the post-2008 recovery efforts, and what these differences imply for metals and mining stocks.

I don’t stop there. In this issue I also report on some compelling developments among our recommended companies...and introduce three exciting new junior mining stock recommendations:

1) A company that boasts one of the top management groups in the market today, and is about to report drill results at any moment. Their last drill results featured numerous high-grade intervals, but because they were released into a crashing market in 2017, everyone ignored them.

You can bet that won’t happen this time around.

2) A silver exploration company that’s starting with 15 million ounces of high-grade resource and ready targets to expand that considerably. Amazingly, Eric Sprott has discovered this company, but relatively few other investors have so far.

3) And lastly, one of the top palladium-platinum exploration stories you’ll find anywhere, with the realistic potential for millions of ounces of resource. They’re right next to one of the world’s top PGM mines, but their project boasts a key difference in geology that the other mine would love to have.

Get All The Details...

After a blazing start in April, when gold shot up over $100 in just the first two weeks of the month, the price has spent the last couple of weeks digesting those gains and trading sideways.

Gold’s bouncing higher today, however, and is approaching the key $1,700 level once again.

We won’t know if it’s beginning the next leg up for another few days, of course, but we do know that the fundamentals have truly never been more positive for the metals over the long term.

The level of monetary inflation we’re seeing right now is truly unprecedented.

We’re still in the early stages of this new bull run in gold, silver and mining stocks, but you need to get onboard now.

You can learn how to get positioned, and discover my latest top picks right now, as I’m giving you another “Covid crisis” opportunity to subscribe to Gold Newsletter at half price.

If you’re not already a subscriber, now is the time to get on board. As before, this half-price opportunity will remain open for only the next three days.

If you act within that time frame, you’ll pay just $99 for 12 months of market-leading intelligence, while others are paying twice that amount.

Plus, you’ll get two special reports: “Money Multipliers: Resource Stocks Poised To TRIPLE” and “The Investor’s Guide To Gold And Silver.”

Perhaps most importantly, you’ll get the full details on our latest three hot picks.

So to get a full year of Gold Newsletter at half price — just $99 — and get immediate access to our exciting May issue, click on the link below.

All the best,

Brien Lundin
Editor, Gold Newsletter
CEO, the New Orleans Investment Conference

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