Get ready for what gold’s about to do…
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Get Ready – The Best Is Yet To Come

You don’t need to know much more than this: Gold is in a bull market.

…And for both fundamental and technical reasons, the next phase is about to begin.

Dear Fellow Investor,

Gold was trading significantly lower early in today’s session, but I didn’t worry.

In fact, I fully expected that the metal would shrug off the selling pressure and get back into the green. Only the precise timing and degree of the rebound was in question.

Sure enough, from a low point of about $8.00 in the red, gold is now trading about a buck into the green. Not a hugely positive move, but one that shows the metal’s resiliency.

…And one that bolsters an important point: Gold is in a bull market. And we should act accordingly.

Today’s action isn’t the first time, over the past week alone, where the metal has fought off sellers and ended up positive for the day. Like a beach ball being held under water, gold “wants” to go higher right now.

I’ve seen this behavior over and over during my 35 years of watching the gold market on a daily basis. This is not a time to fight the trend; it’s a time to get onboard.

Two Reasons Why Gold’s About To Take The Next Step

For both fundamental and technical reasons, gold’s about to enter the next phase of its bull market.

From the fundamental side, consider a CNBC poll out today showing that 85% of voters in swing states want more stimulus funds from Washington.

Think they’re going to open up the checkbook again?

You can bet on it. And it has to happen over the next two weeks.

This will be tremendously bullish for gold.

From the technical standpoint, clearing $1,800 now puts the old nominal price record for gold of $1,920 in play. Gold is just now exiting a period of low volatility, breaking through that trading range and beginning the expected upside breakout.

But you don’t have to wait for big gains in the yellow metal….


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Tremendous Gains Being Realized Right Now In Gold Newsletter

The stocks that have been recommended in Gold Newsletter lately have absolutely been on fire.

Consider that the average gain of our new recommendations this year has been 93% — they’ve nearly doubled on average.

Also consider that the new recommendations in just our April issue of Gold Newsletter are up an average of 268%!

And of course, I have to mention Great Bear Resources, which is up well over 50 times our entry price in a Gold Newsletter Alert.

Big Profits From Golden Opportunities As Well!

As you know, I save my specific stock recommendations for our paid subscribers in Gold Newsletter, and typically only offer up my general market views in Golden Opportunities, which is our free publication.

The reason we can afford to send Golden Opportunities to you free of charge is because we rent out advertising versions of the newsletter, typically to junior mining companies and usually just once a week.

While these companies aren’t necessarily Gold Newsletter recommendations (although many do happen to be), the very fact that they’re advertising in this publication shows that they’re smart, aggressive and have a story to tell.

As a result, many of these advertising companies have soared in value after their story has been told in these pages.

Consider Allegiant Gold, featured on June 18 in Golden Opportunities, which rose as much as 60.7% in price afterward.

…Or Mountain Boy Minerals, featured on June 23, which subsequently rose as much as 45.2%.

…Or GoldMining Inc., featured on May 21, which surged 51.9% afterward.

…Or GR Silver, which advertised on April 14…and has since soared 222.7%...

… And Vizsla Resources, which was featured on July 2, just two weeks ago…and since rocketed as much as 230.3% higher!

It’s obvious to see that Golden Opportunities is delivering some huge winners to you. So we’ve decided to allow more of these opportunities to be presented to you, with two featured in some weeks going forward.

So keep reading…and make sure you get involved in this red-hot sector.

For our part, we’ll keep delivering the value to you, through both Golden Opportunities and Gold Newsletter.

All the best,

Brien Lundin
Editor, Gold Newsletter
CEO, the New Orleans Investment Conference

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Jefferson Companies
111 Veterans Memorial Blvd. Suite 1555
New Orleans, LA 70118