As you read this, I’m winging my way to Vancouver and putting together my latest thoughts on metals and miners to present at the Metals Investor Forum.
This is one of the best events out there, and I’m always excited to visit here with top junior mining investors, highly-recommended companies and all my friends with this fantastic organization.
I feel I have some great insights to share, along with a stellar roster of other resource sector experts. This event is also featuring a special guest in my friend Rick Rule...and the organizers have somehow managed to schedule my presentation right after his on Saturday.
Talk about a tough act to follow!
I urge you to stop by and grab a seat at this event, or watch the presentations virtually. It’s always immensely valuable, and you can beat the price — free with pre-registration.
Just click on the image below with all the details, or CLICK HERE to preregister.
Brien Lundin
Publisher, Gold Newsletter
CEO, the New Orleans Investment Conference
CLICK HERE to watch interviews by Brien Lundin and Kai Hoffmann with many of today's most exciting junior mining companies on the
Gold Newsletter Youtube channel.