Here’s why gold looks ready to rebound...
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An Argument For Higher Gold Prices

I recently spoke with Chris Martenson on the Peak Prosperity podcast, where we took a hard look at the current state of the gold and silver markets.

The conclusion: There’s powerful evidence for a rebound in precious metals...and soon.

Dear Fellow Investor,

I’ve seen and heard all of the greats in the gold business. And I’ve been fortunate to call many of them my friends.

But as I’ve watched many of the great minds of the “sound money” movement fade away over the years, I’ve searched — mostly in vain — for new voices to help carry on the message.

I’ve found a few here and there over the years, and have been encouraged by the new perspectives they bring. Some have started out from entirely different mindsets than the typical hard-money gold...but have ended up at the same place via their different routes.

Perhaps the most exciting such discovery I’ve made in recent years has been the Peak Prosperity team of Chris Martenson and Adam Taggart.

The first time I saw them, I got up and walked out...

The first time I saw Chris and Adam was at the Real Estate Guys Summit a couple of years ago. They launched into their presentation, and I didn’t hear much before I got up and walked out of the room.

I went to buy their book at the kiosk outside...because I was sure it was going to sell out as soon as they finished talking.

They were that good.

As I alluded, Adam and Chris come at the gold angle from an entirely different perspective. They began by analyzing the powerful, secular trends in the economy, energy and the environment.

From there, they followed those trends to their inevitable (and often unnerving) conclusions...and finally looked for ways that we can all protect ourselves from the repercussions.

One of the solutions they found was gold (and silver).

As I said, they took a different route than most gold bugs, but they came to gold all the same.

Since then, Chris and Adam have become experts on the space (among many other things) and have developed the wildly popular Peak Prosperity service to help educate people on how they can find protection and prosperity as the world changes around us.

Part of that service is their Peak Prosperity Podcast, on which I was recently a guest.

This was an amazing experience, as Chris and I explored all the arguments for (and against) gold in both the near- and long-term. You might have seen this episode featured on Seeking Alpha or Zero Hedge — it created quite a stir.

But you don’t need to go searching all over the Internet for this podcast. You can listen or read the transcript on the convenient link below.

CLICK HERE To Listen To The Peak Prosperity Podcast

I urge you to give it a listen or read right now. You’ll enjoy a different angle on this age-old subject.

All the best,

Brien Lundin
Editor, Gold Newsletter
CEO, the New Orleans Investment Conference

P.S. Needless to say, when I find talents like Chris and Adam, I do everything I can to get them to the New Orleans Investment Conference. Thus, they’ll be making their second appearance this year, and if you think they blew our collective minds last year...they’ve promised to really dial it up this year.

Time’s growing short and our hotel rooms are limited this year, so be sure to reserve your place now.

To Learn More About
New Orleans 2018!


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