John Hunt Writes Libertarian Fiction in a Statist World

Fergus Hodgson, September 27, 2018 rss iTunes SoundCloud-logo


For a principled libertarian, living in a world dominated by collectivism can be a daunting task. For John Hunt and his readers, fiction offers solace and a platform for spreading rugged individualism.

Coauthor with Doug Casey of the successful High Ground novels, Hunt is a man whose moral compass led him to career change. A physician and former tenured university professor, he shares his disillusionment with both academia and medical practice.

Hunt argues that US healthcare is imploding and that universities are no longer the truth-seeking institutions they used to be.

john hunt

The novels, says Hunt, tell the moral journey of a man who realizes the evil in the world. (Viral Networks)

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Fergus Hodgson is Gold Newsletter’s roving editor. Follow him on Twitter and Facebook.