Dear Fellow Investor,
Sometimes I’m a great contrarian indicator.
Last week, for example, I recommended that gold investors stay on the sidelines as the metal continued to trade sideways.
Then, of course, gold took off to the upside. Although it’s down a couple of bucks today, as of yesterday it had gained about $45.
While it was initially sparked by President Trump’s threat to impose tariffs on Mexico, the extent of this rally has taken the world by surprise. It’s a sign of just how oversold gold and silver had become.
Speaking of which, silver has kept up with gold’s most recent gains, and the mining stocks have outperformed. Both of these factors are prime indications that this price surge has legs.
We’ll see over the next few weeks, although I’m still recommending caution. The “powers that be” have driven gold back below $1,300 repeatedly to keep their options and short trades in the money. Gold will need to keep its upward momentum to keep the sellers at bay.

The Secret To Maximizing Your Gains...
Regardless of what gold does over the next few days, the big move is inevitable and close at hand. So it’s important for investors to understand a powerful secret to getting the most out of any bull trend in the metals.
To illustrate what I’m talking about, consider that the major gold stock indices are trading at about one-fourth of their highs set back in 2011.
This meant that if we only get back to those levels, the average mining stock will quadruple in value.
If the average stock will multiply your money four times over, can you imagine what the best performers will do?
No need to wonder: The record clearly shows that there should be 10- and 20-baggers aplenty in a major gold uptrend.
So how do you find these out-performers?
Well, this is a topic that I just discussed with my long-time friend Rick Rule.
As you are probably well aware, Rick may be the most successful mining stock speculator in history. So I was happy to talk with him a few days ago about my thoughts on the metals markets and how investors can find the biggest winners in any bull market.
I was also pleased to find that Rick agreed with my views completely.
Gold’s stunning rally since Rick and I talked adds some urgency to our comments, so it’s a good thing that he’s just made the recording of our talk available.
I strongly recommend that you listen in to our conversation right now; you can do so by simply clicking on the link below.
All the best,

Brien Lundin
Editor, Gold Newsletter
CEO, the New Orleans Investment Conference
CLICK HERE to listen to my talk with Rick Rule.