Dear Fellow Investor,
The gold market is telling us something.
Strike that — it’s yelling at the top of its lungs.
The message is simply this: Don’t be fooled by a comforting accommodating comment from a central banker...or an errant data point showing that the U.S. consumer is still hitting the “buy with one click” option on Amazon.
Regardless of these periodic nods toward normalcy, the global economic condition is a mess. Interest rates are headed in a familiar direction — downward — but into literally uncharted territory well below zero.
And it’s all a function of an ailing world economy needing ever-greater doses of monetary adrenaline, and debt burdens so high that currency devaluations must follow.
Gold is rising because all of this is not only inevitable, but now also imminent.
Taking A Breather
As you can see from the chart below, after a breathless rise in recent weeks, gold took a breather for the last couple of trading sessions. It also traded sideways the week before last.

This was entirely expected. Every indicator showed gold had become significantly over-bought. So it’s a good thing that the price has tended to work off its over-bought nature through time rather than a steep sell-off.
That said, the price fell about $17 yesterday after the Trump administration gave some indications that progress was being made in the trade spat with China.
But that chart doesn’t show what’s happened today. To sum it up, my screen is gold has shrugged off those comforting rumors and focused, once again, on the aforementioned bigger issues.
As I write, gold’s up about $11.00, or about 0.75%. Importantly silver’s up more than twice as much, 1.70%, while the major mining stock indices are up even more, over 3.5%.
When gold is rising and silver and mining stocks are outperforming the yellow metal, it’s a sign of powerful demand based on long-term, monetary drivers.
In other words, it’s not a one-day, one-week or even one-month move based on the headlines. It’s a bull run that will last years.
And we’re still in the early stages.

The Big Profits Are Just Ahead;
Here’s How You Can Get Them
As it stands right now, the bull run in gold and silver has been confirmed, not only technically but also fundamentally. The big opportunity lies in the junior mining shares, which have yet to significantly respond.
There are still tremendous bargains in this sector.
If this bull market develops similarly to the one of the early-2000s, absolute fortunes will be made in these junior mining stocks. Back then, we commonly saw these companies multiply four, five...even 10 times or value over relatively short time frames.
It doesn’t take too many winners like these to exponentially improve your wealth.
The key back then, and over the next few months and years as this market continues to evolve, is to get into the best stocks early — just as they’re being whispered about.
And the way to hear these whispers is through the best newsletters and the best conferences. Given the potential profits at hand, you simply must devote the time, effort and, yes, money necessary to discover the next big winners.
Here’s the good news: The single best place to find tomorrow’s most spectacularly profitable picks is just weeks away.
It’s this year’s New Orleans Investment Conference.
I won’t get into a big sales spiel here about this year’s Conference. Let me just stress these three points:
1) Gold, silver and mining stocks have confirmed a new bull run. You absolutely have to get on this train before it moves out of the station.
2) The best place to discover the best opportunities is this year’s New Orleans Conference, being held from November 1-4. If you register right now, you can save up to $400 and get a free Gold Club upgrade (a $198 value).
3) If you delay, you may not be able to attend this year’s event at all. Thanks to the surge in the metals, our website is burning up with registrations flowing in. Our space is limited.
Don’t Get Shaken Out
One final word: This run in gold remains extended, and I fully expect more set-backs in the near future as the metal works off its over-bought condition.
One key is that this big move has been contra-seasonal; gold is typically weak during the summer months.
But the very fact that the price has rallied so strongly when so many investors are off on vacations and otherwise distracted makes me believe that the next few months are going to be truly special for the sector.
So don’t let any one- or two-day sell-offs shake you out of the market. This bull market is for real, and it’s finally time to reap the rewards.
All the best,

Brien Lundin
Editor, Gold Newsletter
CEO, the New Orleans Investment Conference
Or Call Toll Free 800-648-8411
To Register For New Orleans 2019