Overlooked royalty play poised for big breakout
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Overlooked Royalty Play Poised For Big Breakout

Vox Royalty Corp. (VOX.V; VOXCF.OTC) led the industry in growth in 2020 and is set to realize a slew of positive catalysts.

It’s an opportunity to get in before generalist investors figure out what’s going on.


Dear Fellow Investor,

Growth at a reasonable price (GARP), not a term many are familiar with in the world of emerging gold royalty plays.

GARP is an investment strategy that combines tenets of growth and value investing by finding companies that show consistent growth but don't sell at overly high valuations.

Rarely does a company like Vox Royalty Corp. (VOX.V; VOXCF.OTC) come along that delivers such exceptional growth at great relative value.

Opportunities come infrequently. When it rains gold, put out the bucket, not the thimble. — Warren Buffet

Vox is now at an inflection point, and those fortunate enough to be exposed to it, and to understand that, should be heavily rewarded.

Organic And Acquisition Growth

Vox has accumulated more royalties — across more transactions, and each at deep value — than any other royalty company over the past 18 months.

Now it’s beginning to realize the organic fruits of those efforts.

In conjunction with the organic growth is the company’s acquisition pace and the increase in value each transaction brings to Vox’s shareholders.

In a world starved for royalties, Vox has been able to find the streams in the desert, continually discovering new royalty opportunities that many competitors are unable to find.

That ability to find new royalties sets Vox apart from its competition and underscores how undervalued the company is at current prices.

Deeply Undervalued…For Now

The numbers show that Vox’s portfolio is deeply undervalued at this moment.

Consider that it trades at a heavy discount to its net asset value (discounted future cash flows)…while its closest peers are trading at multiples of net asset value.

This inherent undervaluation is poised to change with a re-rating, as Vox’s royalty revenues are growing in an exponential manner.

But it gets better. To complement explosive revenue growth, Vox is expecting a tidal wave of news from its operating partners advancing the projects on which it has royalties.

This news from operators (the mining companies) is foreshadowing significant asset growth that Vox and its shareholders pay nothing additionally for. Nor are those gains diluted in any way.

When you own Vox, you indirectly own news flow and project advancement across more than 45 different assets and more than 40 different operating partners. Over 80% of the Vox royalty portfolio is located in low geopolitical risk countries Australia, Canada and USA.

Relentless News Flow

That upswelling of positive pressure is concentrated in Vox like the mouth of a new geyser.

Excitement from Vox in 2021 is likely to include news regarding:

• Revenue and reserve/resource growth at its royalty-linked deposits at Karora Resources’ Higginsville gold operations…

• Impending production announcements from Thor Explorations Ltd regarding the Segilola gold asset…

• Production announcements from Black Cat Syndicate regarding commissioning and production from Vox’s Bulong royalty…

• Production updates from Mineral Resources Limited on the royalty-linked deposits on its Deception/Koolyanobbing asset…

• Revenue and growth updates on the Brauna diamond royalty…

• Growth updates and revenue on the Graphmada graphite mine…

• And drilling and development updates from other potential large revenue-generating royalties.

The power of all this news flow is two-fold.

First, it provides a consistent reminder to the market of just how large and active Vox’s royalty portfolio is.

In a competitive sector, where everyone is vying for investor attention, news flow is the mother’s milk of junior mining companies.

Second, it helps Vox close new deals with option owners, as the steady news flow demonstrates the company’s commitment to delivering value.

It all adds up to a royalty company poised for big growth in the near term.


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Primed For Growth With Market Winds At Its Back

With all this organic and acquisitional growth potential directly ahead of it, it’s hard to think of a company with more upside than Vox Royalty.

In spite of the run we saw on royalty companies in the initial feeding frenzy for gold stories last year, Vox has pretty much all of its gains directly ahead of it.

If you believe in the bullish macro view for gold and silver (and you should), you want to be positioned in top-quality royalty plays.

In Vox, you have the opportunity to get into a top royalty company early in its existence…at a significant discount to its peers…and before it could take off.

If you want to beat the latecomers to the punch, the time to build a position in Vox Royalty Corp. is now.

To Learn More about Vox Royalty Corp

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