$11,090 gold? Here’s one way to get there…
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Gold And Silver Are Taking Off
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The metals are soaring today, but a fascinating new report released yesterday shows the potential for much greater gains ahead.
In fact, it makes a credible case for a gold price of $11,090/ounce...or much more.
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The metals market has taken a very interesting turn in recent days. And for a change, it’s a happy one.
It started yesterday when the January New York manufacturing index took an unexpected turn downward, dramatically missing expectations.
That sent U.S. stocks lower, while sending gold and silver upward.
But gold traded back and forth and ended up down about $5.00 on the day. Silver, on the other hand, escaped the attack by the shorts and kept on rising. It gained over $0.50 on the day.
It’s rare that silver posts such an impressive gain and gold actually loses ground. In fact, it’s a bearish indicator for gold, and one reason why I was a bit nervous to see what would happen in today’s trading.
I shouldn’t have worried: Both gold and silver...along with platinum and palladium...are catapulting higher today. Gold’s up nearly $30 and silver’s gained about $0.70.
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These moves are great, especially considering that the metals have shown a tendency to trade lower in anticipation of a Fed rate hike, and then take off once they actually start raising rates.
Maybe traders recognize this and are getting a head start. Or maybe they feel the Fed is going to have to reverse its tightening program before it even gets started.
Regardless, today’s gains are but a shadow of what’s to come, especially if you believe the analysts at Myrmikan Research.
This group has published some amazing analyses in recent months, and quickly become one of my favorite sources of macro insights, particularly in relation to the massive bubbles created by decades of the Fed’s ever-easing monetary policy.
But a report they just issued yesterday — entitled “The Bubble is Bursting and Gold is Strong” — exceeds anything I’ve seen from them before.
As you’ll see, they make a very credible case for a gold price of $11,090. And even a price of $44,700 if we see a “panic high” result.
That sounds unbelievable, and I can understand if you’re skeptical. You should be whenever you see numbers like that bandied about.
But CLICK HERE to read the report and judge for yourself. They base their projections on the gold price necessary to only partially back the Fed’s liabilities...and their argument makes sense.
I hope you enjoy their analysis — and today’s rally in the metals.
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All the best,

Brien Lundin
Editor, Gold Newsletter
CEO, the New Orleans Investment Conference
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