Three new, high-powered stock recommendations...
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The Epidemic Of Easing

As gold’s soaring and stocks are crashing...

...You need to see what I just wrote about the real global epidemic that will destroy wealth around the world — and create fortunes for a select minority.

Plus: Three new, high-powered stock recommendations.

Dear Fellow Investor,

We just published one of the most important issues in Gold Newsletter’s near-50-year history.

In this issue, dispatched just hours ago, I...

• ...Detail the most dangerous epidemic to humanity today. It’s not the coronavirus, but rather the serial monetary easing by central banks in every economic downturn since 1971.

• ...Reveal the implications this epidemic will have in the days ahead, and what it will do to stocks, bonds and precious metals.

• ...Alert readers to the possibility of a major stock-market sell-off in the near term, and that this could prompt the Fed to begin cutting rates once again. (No, I didn’t expect that stock market sell-off to begin within hours, but today’s stock crash shows how important this information is!)

• ...Provide detailed updates on dozens of our recommended junior resource stocks.

This includes Generation Mining (GENM.CN; GENMF.OTC; C$0.62) — a palladium-platinum company that’s already a 138% winner for Gold Newsletter readers — with details on why the price rise may only be beginning.


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In short, our February edition of Gold Newsletter is immensely valuable, because it explains the inescapable mega-trends that demand much higher prices for gold and silver...

...And it reveals precisely how you could leverage these trends with high-potential junior mining stocks.

How precise? I reveal no less than three new stock recommendations:

1) A company with first-mover advantage in one of the world’s richest mineral terrains — a country blessed with world-class resources in gold, silver, copper, uranium, coal and more.

The best part: This company will put a gold project into production by next year that will spin out about C$30 million every year in free cash flow. Plus, it’s drilling right now on a high-grade gold target with results expected any day.

2) A company in perhaps the most exciting region in Canada for gold exploration that just released extraordinary high-grade results, including one hole with over 30 meters grading over 7 g/t gold and another hole cutting over 10 meters running over 11 g/t gold.

Despite these results, the share price has barely budged! I don’t think that’s going to last long at all, as the company just raised money to begin drilling again.

3) Finally, I revealed an opportunity so early that the company isn’t even trading yet! It’s the same group behind one of the biggest winners in recent years, yet the property they’ve lined up seems even more exciting!

This company is slated to begin trading in about two weeks, and you’ll want to be watching it as soon as it clears the starting gate.

Gold Is On Fire Right Now

I keep telling you that the new gold bull market has begun, and that junior mining stocks can yield fortunes in the type of environment that’s developing right now.

A number of our recommendations are already soaring in value — New Pacific Metals is up over four times, while Great Bear is a 13-bagger, among many other examples — and my latest new recommendations seem poised to be huge winners as well.

And now the gold bull is really starting to gallop: Gold’s up $14 as I write, as the stock market is plummeting.

The timing couldn’t be more urgent...or more exciting...for you to act now to subscribe to Gold Newsletter. It’s so exciting that I’m going to do everything I can to get you to subscribe right now.

If you act immediately, I’ll let you subscribe for a full year of Gold Newsletter for HALF PRICE.

That’s just $99 for 12 months of market-leading intelligence, while others are paying twice that amount.

Plus, you’ll get two special reports: “Money Multipliers: Resource Stocks Poised To TRIPLE” and our newly updated “The Investor’s Guide To Gold And Silver.”

Perhaps most importantly, you’ll get the full details on our latest three hot picks.

This month’s special issue of Gold Newsletter was issued just hours ago — you still have time to get it hot off the “press.”

Just click on the link below to subscribe for a full year at half price and get immediate access to our exciting February issue.

All the best,

Brien Lundin
Editor, Gold Newsletter
CEO, the New Orleans Investment Conference

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