Get ready for the mother of all gold bull markets... |
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The Mother Of All Gold Bull Markets
As the Dow crashed by over 3,000 points yesterday, gold rallied strongly from its lows on the day.
And get this — gold stocks soared even while every other sector was crashing. Major gold mining indices were up over 10% yesterday alone.
Here’s why I’m writing you now: Gold’s up strongly today, rising about $20...and the mining stocks are continuing their run higher. The major gold stock indices are all up from 6% to 12%.
There’s more: The physical gold and silver market is on absolute fire. Demand has surged to a degree rarely if ever seen before. Over only the past day or so, my sources have told me that all available supplies of bullion in the United States have been snapped up. All deliveries are on a delayed basis, and only if the mints can ramp up production.
So is this the turn in the gold market?
In my view, it’s close enough. As I told my Gold Newsletter Alert readers yesterday as the selling reached indiscriminate levels, “It is of such capitulation that market bottoms are formed.”
And I’m putting my money where my mouth is, putting orders in for a half dozen of the top junior mining stocks recommended right now in Gold Newsletter.
These companies are selling for as little as a third of where they were just a few weeks ago. At that point, I thought every one of them had the potential to triple from those levels.
You get the math. If/when the markets get back to some semblance of normal in a few months, these companies could be selling for close to 10 times their current levels.
I say that because a few of these companies are exciting exploration plays that are either drilling right now or will be over the summer. These are some of the best drill targets I’ve seen in years, and if they hit pay dirt then all bets are off.
These could rank among the biggest winners in our near 50-year history, especially from current price levels.
I’m also bullish for another reason: The mother of all gold bull markets is about to begin.
| If you watched any of my media interviews or read any of my commentaries over the past year, you know I’ve been predicting that central banks were going to break all records in terms of zero (even negative) interest rate policies, quantitative easing and — new this time — major fiscal spending programs.
As recently as a couple of weeks ago, I predicted that central bankers would have to “dial it to 11” in this interview.
| Since Sunday night, we’ve seen it all come to pass. And let me tell you, I fully expected the degree of the rescue operations...but the speed of these moves has been nothing short of amazing.
What I expected to develop over months is coming now in hours. Zero interest rates...massive quantitative easing programs of over $700 billion...and now, revealed just a couple of hours ago, unprecedented fiscal measures including checks sent directly to U.S. workers.
This is money creation like we’ve never seen before. You and I know that the federal debt situation was already out of control — to a degree that demanded a major devaluation of the dollar.
And the size of the debt also requires negative interest rates on a real, inflation-adjusted basis. Otherwise the cost of servicing the monumental debt would crater the federal budget.
Now the debt is set to grow at a rate far greater than even we expected. And there’s no doubt that this is going to spawn the greatest gold bull market we’ve ever seen.
I know that might seem like a crazy prediction. But think about it: We’ve never seen debt and money creation like this before. And we’ve never seen the absolute necessity of a dollar depreciation to this degree.
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| We’re going to see additional bad news come down on the coronavirus pandemic in the days ahead. And I’m sure we haven’t seen the last of the down days in U.S. stocks or the metals.
But the positive moves in gold and mining stocks over the past two days tells me that investors are ready to jump into these markets as this great monetary tsunami gathers strength.
The fact that silver has yet to move also tells me that we’re still in the earliest stages of the rebound. We have time to get positioned, but we have to move now...while these multi-year bargain levels still abound.
I continue to recommend physical metals at this absurdly low price levels. The problem is that supplies have been overwhelmed and premiums are soaring. Good luck finding what you can.
We can fill our bids on gold mining stocks, however, and that’s what I’m doing right now.
If you want to know what I’m recommending now in Gold Newsletter, you need to subscribe immediately. In light of the current emergency, I’m extending our half-price opportunity.
If you want my weekly, blow-by-blow commentary on the markets, plus late-breaking stock recommendations, I’m also going to extend our deep discount on the Gold Newsletter Alert Service.
Simply CLICK HERE to take advantage of this limited offer now.
All the best,

Brien Lundin
Editor, Gold Newsletter
CEO, the New Orleans Investment Conference
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