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Dear Fellow Investor,

These are tough and uncertain times for all of us.

By now you’ve received dozens of emails from businesses telling you how they’re coping with the Covid-19 pandemic, relating how concerned they are with their employees’ health and advising you to sneeze into your arm and wash your hands.

I’m going to skip all of that and let you know how we hope to help you through this crisis.

First off, we’re going to expand our free Golden Opportunities newsletter to give you more issues and more value, including guest submissions from our respected colleagues in the industry, many of whom have graced our New Orleans Conference roster in recent years.

I have to admit that I hadn’t realized how much this free newsletter is valued. But we’ve been receiving a number of grateful messages from our readers since this crisis began, including this one:

“You probably hear this all the time, but I just want to pass on my thanks to you and everyone there for the reassuring emails we are getting. I’m not a young man having just turned 60, so I’m used to market turmoil. But it’s definitely reassuring to have Brien’s commentary to calm the nerves.”

I’m committed to drawing on our network of today’s top experts to continue to provide you with valuable, on-going analysis of this crisis and what it portends for your financial health.

While we’re at it, I’d like to also provide your views to our readership. Every year at our New Orleans Conference, I tell our attendees to look not only toward the stage for smart views, but also around them at their fellow attendees.

By the very fact that you’re one of our clients and readers, you’ve demonstrated your interest, curiosity and judgment. You have a lot to share with the rest of our community, so please send your views along to us at We’ll curate and share a sampling of them in future issues of Golden Opportunities.

Second, for those of you who’d like even deeper analysis, along with specific stock recommendations to benefit from the potentially explosive new gold and silver bull market resulting from all of this, we’re extending another opportunity to subscribe to Gold Newsletter at half price.

As you know, this opportunity to subscribe for just $99/year is available only occasionally, so CLICK HERE to take advantage of it.


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Thirdly, we aren’t slowing down in our preparations for this year’s New Orleans Investment Conference, being held from October 14-17.

Of course, everyone expects that the health crisis will be behind us well before then. But what won’t be behind us are the ramifications of the tsunami of monetary stimulus that is only beginning to crash upon the shores of the U.S. and global economy.

Zero-interest-rate policies...QE-Infinity...helicopter money — these are all developments we had expected to play out over years. Now they’ve come in a matter of only days or even hours.

What will it all mean for the economy and your money? I think you know: It will mean much, much higher gold and silver prices, and mining stocks shooting to dizzying heights.

While the stimulus is coming at lightning speed, we will live with the repercussions for years. The markets are now synonymous with the economy and, as we’ve seen, the markets will not allow stimulus once granted to be removed.

So you can rest assured that this year’s New Orleans Conference will cover all of these issues, the looming problems as well as the emerging opportunities, as only we can.

If you’re a serious investor, there’s no question that you need to be at New Orleans 2020. I urge you to reserve your place now, guaranteeing not only the lowest possible price and a room in our host hotel, but also a free Gold Club Upgrade.

(CLICK HERE to register, and insert “FREEGOLDCLUB” as your promo code to claim your $189 Gold Club upgrade at no charge.)

Finally, we’re all learning from this experience.

Down here in New Orleans, we’re experienced with hunkering down and operating remotely, as we’ve all evacuated numerous times for hurricanes. We’re also familiar with an amazing feeling of community, as friends, family, neighbors and even complete strangers all pull together to help in a time of crisis.

It’s been wonderful to see this sense of fellowship now spreading throughout the U.S., Canada and across the globe. It’s a reminder of the best of the human spirit, and I’m glad that so many others are now seeing it.

In closing, while we’re naturally focusing our efforts on understanding and explaining the economic and market repercussions of this pandemic, we’re also not forgetting the human toll. The risks this pandemic poses to our health and safety are frighteningly real, and I urge everyone to continue doing all we can to slow the spread of Covid-19.

I’ve outlined our current plan to provide you with valuable information and analysis while everyone is isolated. Please also let us know your ideas on how we might be able to serve you better during these troubling times.


All the best,

Brien Lundin
Editor, Gold Newsletter
CEO, the New Orleans Investment Conference