The next stage of the gold bull market is beginning....
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The Next Stage Of This Gold Bull Market Begins

Everything I warned you about is coming now — at record speed.

Dear Fellow Investor,

These markets are moving at lightning speed — far more quickly than I would have ever imagined.

As I’ve said, I fully expected the degree of monetary stimulus being directed at the markets. But the pace of the moves has been nothing short of breathtaking.

This morning CNBC featured an extensive interview with famed trader Paul Tudor Jones, in which Jones noted that we’ve gotten as much quantitative easing from the Fed over the last week than in the first eight months after the 2008 financial crisis.

And, he stressed, there’s much more to come.

He’s absolutely correct. As I warned you, the central banks were going to have to “dial it to 11” in this crisis. They’ve already done that and more, with the Fed’s announcement on Monday of QE-Infinity (Fed Chair Powell reiterated the open checkbook policy this morning on, of all things, NBC’s Today show).

I also told you that we’d see unprecedented fiscal measures. Those came with Congress’ passage of a massive rescue package yesterday. Pegged at about $2 trillion, the actual cost will be in the $6 trillion to $7 trillion range.

And, again, this is just the first salvo. At the end of this the federal debt, which was already out of control, will be blown up. The inevitability of a very significant dollar devaluation will be obvious to all.

These moves are deemed necessary because of the greatest economic shock ever delivered to the U.S. economy, as evidenced by this morning’s jobless claims number of 3.28 million, more than double expectations and so far above any previous record that charts had to be completely redrawn to accommodate it.


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Massive Stresses In The Metals Market

This week has seen extraordinary strains in the precious metals markets, both paper and physical, to degrees never before seen.

In the physical bullion market, the entire North American inventory of coins was absorbed over about three business days. It’s true that the U.S. Mint was unprepared, with relatively little inventory on hand, and that the Royal Canadian Mint has shut down due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Also, the shut-down of refineries around the world, as well as significant levels of international shipping, has created chinks in the supply chain that have exacerbated the problem.

But there’s no denying that demand for physical metals has soared.

The on-the-street price of silver is about $7/ounce higher than the publicized spot price, while gold coins are going for about $40 more per ounce than the published gold spot price.

As I told you last week, I urge you to buy what you can find. And good luck finding it.

The stresses have also extended to the paper gold market, as the closing of offices in London removed market-makers in that bullion trading center, making the spot price completely unreliable.

Traders who rely on the spot market in London were forced to buy Comex contracts, which sent the premium for futures over spot to historic levels.

Moreover, Comex contract holders who were standing for actual delivery of gold overwhelmed the shadowy “exchange for physical” (EFP) market in London, where the Comex had been shuffling delivery requests for months now. Then the Comex ran out of 100-ounce bars to settle these contracts, forcing the London Bullion Market Association to collude with the Comex to arrange for settlement in the 400-ounce good deliver bars that are traded in London.

It’s all very complicated, and you can find a much better explanation than I can provide here, from Ronan Manly of BullionStar.

The bottom line is that the entire charade of the paper gold market, where infinite quantities of metal can be created with simply key strokes, in defiance of the real-world supply situation, is in danger of crumbling as I write.

And this alone could send the price of gold rocketing higher.

Mining Stocks Starting To Run

The good news is that we’re already reaping huge gains from this historic new bull market in gold and silver through the junior mining stocks that we’ve been recommending in Gold Newsletter.

One of my recommendations — Revival Gold — (RVG.V) is up more than 60% over the last week alone.

I can’t urge you strongly enough: Whether you subscribe to Gold Newsletter or not, make sure you’re positioned in this sector.

You can subscribe to any of the newsletters I recommend in The Investor’s Guide To Gold And Silver, or attend any of the investment conferences that I list.

But however you do it, invest in learning about this sector and get involved now.

Of course, I also strongly recommend that you join us as a member of the Gold Newsletter family, and I’ll extend our half-price offer so you can do it now.

And you can also register for this year’s New Orleans Investment Conference, being held from October 14-17. The travel and social distancing issues will be behind us by then, and we’re going to cover the compelling economic and investment repercussions — the dangers and the remarkable opportunities — as no one else can.

You can register for the lowest possible price here. (Note: Put “FREEGOLDCLUB” in as your promo code and you’ll get the $189 Gold Club upgrade at no charge.)

Again, act now to get involved. There are scary days ahead, and we still have some frightening headlines ahead on the pandemic front. But the policy responses to this crisis have implications that will be with us for many years to come.

You need to be ready.

In closing, I sincerely hope you and your loved ones are safe during this crisis and remain so. We’ll get through this — we always do — but we need to pull together to get to the other side.

I’m confident we will.

All the best,

Brien Lundin
Editor, Gold Newsletter
CEO, the New Orleans Investment Conference

P.S. I just recorded a special podcast with my friend Dana Samuelson, one of today’s top experts on the physical precious metals market. Dana gave us a first-hand report from the front lines of the current buying frenzy in gold, silver and even platinum and palladium.

What he’s seeing is something the likes of which no one has experienced before. He has some shocking news to share, as well as good advice for those looking to buy metals now. Click on the link below to listen.

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