Finding nuggets of wisdom in the cesspool…
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Nuggets Of Wisdom
In The Cesspool

Last week I pointed you to an exceptional report on silver. Now I’m sharing the single best analysis of Federal Reserve interventions that I’ve ever seen.

April 5, 2021

Dear Fellow Investor,

In social media, I find that Twitter is a lot like New York City — the best and worst of everything in one place.

Twitter is too often a cesspool of human interaction, but it’s also helped me discover some extraordinary minds and analyses.

Last week, for example, I pointed you toward one of the finest reports on the silver market that I’d ever come across. It clearly explains the difference between the iShares Silver Trust (SLV) and the Sprott Physical Silver Trust (PSLV), and why you should buy the latter instead of the former.

I also noted in that issue that I had bought a bunch of PSLV the day before. While I’m pleased to say that this marked the very bottom of the silver decline, that wasn’t the point.

Which was: It was close enough to the bottom in silver to begin buying. And it still is right now.

But back to my original theme….

I recently found another gem on Twitter, the work of a gentleman named Peter Schmidt, proprietor of the website.

Peter and I have been “liking” and retweeting each other’s tweets for some time, and I’ve been deeply impressed with his commentary on the history of economic interventions — and crisis creations — since Nixon closed the gold window on August 15, 1971 (not coincidentally, the day that Gold Newsletter was born).

I’m embarrassed to say that it took over a year before I finally clicked through to Peter’s website to see what he was all about.

And I was pleased to discover that my first impressions were correct: He’s an extraordinary chronicler of the history of economic and financial mismanagement since gold was removed as the foundation of the dollar.

For intelligent, active investors — which you are, if you’re reading this — his site is a gold mine (pardon the pun).

In particular, his timeline of the financial crisis (or crises) is comprehensive and fascinating. It’s free (with a sign-up), and I urge you to CLICK HERE to get ahold of it.

All the best,

Brien Lundin
Editor, Gold Newsletter
CEO, the New Orleans Investment Conference

P.S. If you can stomach the political bickering and the bad manners that accompany anonymous posting, Twitter can serve as an extremely valuable source of commentary and analysis on the economy and various asset classes.

I like to think that I also contribute to the body of knowledge, and occasionally pithy commentary, that can be found on the site — so I urge you to follow me on Twitter at @Brien_Lundin.

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