Gold vs Crypto: Who’s the winner for you?
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Gold vs Crypto

Will gold or crypto serve you best in the tumultuous days ahead?

Here’s how you can find clear answers from some of the world’s top experts.

Dear Fellow Investor,

I was enjoying my coffee the other morning in Studio B (breakfast room), having just finished up a call with a junior mining company, when my cell phone flashed an incoming call.

“Robert Kiyosaki,” it alerted in the big, bold font I need to read without my glasses.

“OK, better take this one,” I told myself.

It’s always fun to talk with Robert — partly because we’re both die-hard gold bugs who distrust the government on an almost cellular level — but also because he’s so clear, concise and charismatic in his approach to life.

He always stays on message, and his message is incredibly powerful.

After catching up a bit on how we’re both doing during the pandemic, Robert got to the point of the call: He wanted me to be a guest on his Rich Dad Radio Show as a gold expert, and to go up against one of today’s top experts on Bitcoin and crypto currencies.

But this wasn’t going to be a shouting-match debate. Robert assured me he wanted an intelligent, thoughtful discussion of the benefits and drawbacks of both assets. I liked that approach, since I think they each have a role to play and a place in every concerned investor’s portfolio.

We recorded that episode of the Rich Dad Radio Show last week, and it was a blast. Very enjoyable and enlightening,

I’m not sure when it’s going to be released, but I’ll be sure to let you know when it’s available.

But in the meantime....

Get The Inside Scoop On Gold, Cryptos And Global Safe Havens

This Thursday, April 30th, 2020 – 2:00 pm EDT

Coincidentally, the day after I got off the phone with Robert Kiyosaki, my friend Rich Checkan called to ask if I could participate in a very exclusive, high-end webinar on gold and cryptos.

“Perfect!” I told him — I was about to do the Rich Dad podcast on the same subject, so I’d be well practiced.

Well, as I soon found, out...this wasn’t your everyday webinar.

First off, it’s featuring a team of the world’s top experts in key areas of global safe havens, not just gold and crypto. Here’s a run-down of what this “Exiting The Dollar” webinar will present this coming Thursday:

• What every investor MUST know about the crypto markets in 2020

• The real secret safe havens of the financial world (tip: it’s not what you hear in the media!)

• How far the market will plummet – and how to tell the bottom!

• Effortlessly build a stronger, safer, and more robust portfolio (so you can breeze right through this crash with underground intel of what’s ACTUALLY happening in the world)

• How you can position your portfolio so you virtually ELIMINATE the downside

• Short and long-term solutions for how you can protect your portfolio from strong-man-governments and looming socialism

• Rapidly diversify your portfolio out of the dollar and other fiat currencies

• How to cashflow your portfolio of cryptocurrency, gold, silver, platinum or other assets today while still withholding control

• Quickly add stability to your investments (so you can sleep like a baby while others are stressed about the markets)

• What jurisdictions will actually protect your rights and privacy

• …and much, MUCH More!


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This Is A Very Exclusive Event

This is not your run of the mill webinar. First off, it’s not free of charge. The organizers,, are charging a very reasonable fee so that they can compensate the industry-leading experts on the panel (myself included, thankfully!).

But the good news is that I can get you in for a discounted rate. (Details below...)

Secondly, the faculty for this “Exiting The Dollar – Alternative Wealth Safe Havens” is extraordinary:

Mikkel Thorup, director at, the world’s oldest offshore website, and host of the highly-rated podcast, The Expat Money Show

Nick Spanos, chairman of and founder of the Bitcoin Center, the world’s first-ever cryptocurrency trading floor, as memorialized on the Netflix documentary “Banking on Bitcoin.”

Pierre Rochard, the Bitcoin strategist at Kraken, one of the world’s largest crypto exchanges. He has been making the case for Bitcoin since early 2013 with his piece, “End the Fed: Hoard Bitcoins.”

Rich Checkan, the President and COO of Asset Strategies International, for decades one of America’s most respected, full-service tangible and rare tangible asset providers.

Eryka Gemma, CEO of the Bitcoin Center Miami, and leader of the education hub that powers the Blockchain Center.

• And, of course, yours truly.

Bottom line, I’m honored to be included amongst this cast of world-renowned experts.

There’s much, much more to this exclusive event. In fact, the organizers say you’ll get over $5,000 in benefits for less than a hundred dollars.

But don’t take my word for it — click on the link below to get all the details. And note this: Through this special offer, you can register for half price. Even better, if you enter the promo code BRIEN20 when you register, you’ll receive another 20% off.

I hope you’ll be here with me this Thursday!

All the best,

Brien Lundin
Editor, Gold Newsletter
CEO, the New Orleans Investment Conference

To Register For
“Exiting The Dollar – Alternative Wealth Safe Havens – Live Webinar”
April 30th, 2020 – 2 pm EST

Enter “BRIEN20”
As Your Promo Code

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