Golden Opportunities continues below...
The World is Going Electric, Driving Lithium Sky-High
Why one little-known company could hold one of the keys
to North American battery security, as we enter into
the early stages of a 10-year lithium mega trend.
An historic shift to electric vehicles and green infrastructure has triggered a new boom in lithium prices. Battery-grade lithium carbonate has skyrocketed in price over 400% so far, to more than $30,000 per ton.
One of the biggest opportunities today comes from an ancient lakebed in Clayton Valley, Nevada, home to the only producing lithium mine in North America, Albemarle's Silver Peak.
And one small company, ACME Lithium, has the rights
and a key stake in projects in this green-energy epicenter.
That explains why ACME Lithium (OTCQB:ACLHF, CSE: ACME) has shot out of nowhere in the last year, to become one of the hottest microcaps in a smoldering lithium market.