Profit from the looming U.S.-China Cold War
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Making Money On “Made In The U.S.A.”

Espionage concerns recently drove the U.S. Interior Department to ban government use of Chinese-made drones.

The move has created a first-mover advantage for Plymouth Rock Technologies (PRT.CSE; PLRTF.OTC), which was already launching its American-made drones to public safety departments and three-letter agencies across the country.

Dear Fellow Investor,

There’s no doubt U.S.-China relations are strained right now.

After two years of trade wars, the countries are locked in a battle over blame for the coronavirus pandemic.

Add in China’s long history of appropriating U.S. intellectual property, and you have an environment where the U.S. government is increasingly leery of using Chinese-made technology.

It’s a concern that has recently been heightened as concerns have mounted that China may be using drones it has sold to the U.S. for industrial and geopolitical espionage.

Those concerns reached a point in fall of 2019 that the U.S. Interior Department announced it planned to ground drones with Chinese components for U.S government uses, an edict that the department made good on this past January.

All of a sudden, all these companies that had been sourcing drones in whole or in part from China have had to scramble to find alternative input sources for the drones they sell to federal, state and local governments.

All companies except one, that is. You see Plymouth Rock Technologies (PRT.CSE; PLRTF.OTC) had already been working on “Made in the U.S.A.” drones with all parts sourced from US/NATO partners.

Between its X1 and XV drones, it has two products it can sell to three-letter agencies and state and local public safety departments who need to pivot to non-China-sourced products.

Workhorse Drones For Public Safety, Anti-Terrorism And More...

Importantly, this opportunity revolves around more than simply having non-Chinese drones available to sell.

It’s also what these special drones can do.

With Plymouth Rock’s expertise in millimeter wave technology, the company’s drone offering can help law enforcement spot weapons and suicide bombs in crowds and help fire departments quickly locate wildfire hotspots.

Millimeter wave technology is the same technology used in the post-9/11 body scanners you find at airports. It’s used because it has all the characteristics of X-ray, but it doesn’t go through your skin, making it much safer.

Plymouth Rock’s team has a long track record innovating in this space, and it originally elected to build its own drones to address a gap in the market between consumer drones (which are mostly China-made) and military-grade drones.

You see, the company had developed a “torch-beam” camera based on millimeter-wave technology that could help identify potential terrorists in crowded spaces, and that camera’s weight exceeded the load capacity of most consumer-grade drone models.

For cost reasons, most public safety departments have been using these consumer-grade models, despite their limited payload capacity and inability to operate effectively in bad weather.

Because it needed a drone that could address that consumer-military market gap and carry the 20-pound payload needed to effectively deploy its cameras, Plymouth Rock developed its remarkable X1 drone.

A Variety Of Uses

The X1 is a rugged, workhorse solution for law enforcement, fire departments and three-letter agencies to take advantage of PRT’s cutting-edge surveillance technologies.

It can operate both as a free-operating drone and on a tether, and it is fully adverse-weather-capable — it can operate in winds up to 45 mph, in rain and cold weather and at night.

Uses for the X1 include:

• Anti-terrorism: The X1 was designed to help deploy a US-sourced radiometric thermal imaging camera that can detect large weapons and bombs in crowds.

• Wildfire fighting: The X1’s camera, combined with its power and range, give wildfire fighters the ability to identify key hotspots within major fires.

• Border patrol: The X1 can be mounted with a ground-penetrating radar that can detect illegal immigration tunnels and buried stashes of drugs.

• Threat mitigation: The X1 has the power to carry no-recoil “moderators” that can neutralize bombs from the air and help ships ward off pirate attacks.

• Infrastructure inspection: With full autonomous and “beyond visual line of sight” (BVLOS) capability, the X1 can be used for infrastructure and agricultural assessments as well.

In short, Plymouth Rock’s X1 drone hits the sweet spot between low-cost utility and complex, military-grade use.

Its rugged design, payload capacity (as much as five times that of competitors) and relative affordability should make it a go-to product for federal, state and local governments and private companies that must now ditch their China-sourced drones and find a U.S-based alternative.

The XV: A Cheaper Alternative To Helicopter Surveillance

Another key tool in the Plymouth Rock arsenal is its XV drone, a fixed-wing platform capable of vertical take-off and landing.

Because the XV can launch from an area as small as eight square meters, it doesn’t require a large runway to deploy into the field.

With a massive 25-kilogram payload capacity, it dramatically outperforms the 4-kilogram capacity that is typical of similar platforms. Like the X1, the XV is U.S.-built with parts sourced from the U.S. and NATO partners.

And here’s another big advantage: Its hybrid propulsion system allows law enforcement and public safety agencies to operate the drone for up to seven hours, making it a cost-effective supplement to helicopter-based surveillance. (Click here see some of its amazing capabilities.)

But despite being years ahead of its time in terms of technology, this drone is already impacting Plymouth Rock right now: The company plans first-production on the XV in the fourth quarter of this year and is already in the process of pre-selling the unit to three-letter agencies and public safety departments across the country.


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Yet Another Key Technology:
A Shoe Scanner Aiming To Streamline Security Lines

The millimeter-wave technology PRT is deploying on its drones is also being employed in a shoe scanner prototype designed to streamline airport and government building security and to prevent intellectual property theft.

Working on a similar premise to the body scanners used at airports, the shoe scanner is designed to penetrate shoe soles and detect contraband and to do so while allowing people to keep their shoes on.

The SS1 also has a use for high-tech and other companies who have a problem with employees walking out with highly-sensitive corporate data stored in their shoes.

In both public and corporate use cases, Plymouth Rock’s SS1, floor-mounted shoe scanning system can process up to 20 persons per minute and detect both metallic and non-metallic threats.

Can you imagine how quickly a technology that safely reduces airport lines will be adopted?

Plymouth Rock:
Led By A Team Of Top Millimeter Wave Experts

If you were going to design a team from the ground up with an ideal combination of engineering prowess, business acumen and government connections, you’d be hard pressed to improve on the group at the helm at Plymouth Rock Technologies.

It’s a team that includes:

Dana Wheeler (CEO and Co-Founder): Wheeler has more than 35 years experience in RF, microwave and millimeter-wave technologies. His past positions running tech startups that have interacted with government agencies and given him a deep understanding of military-grade product specs.

Carl Cagliarini (Chief Strategy Officer and Co-Founder): Cagliarini worked with Wheeler at Radio Physics and has helped develop and deploy photonics technology solutions that have been employed by past World Cups and Olympic Games.

Professor Stuart Harmer (Scientific Advisor and Co-Founder): Professor Harmer is the Inaugural Head of Engineering & Applied Design at Chichester University and has invented and developed weapon and threat-detection systems in the microwave and millimeter-wave spectral bands throughout his career.

Douglas Smith (Chairman and Director): A recent addition to the Plymouth Rock team, Smith is a former Assistant Secretary for the Department of Homeland Security. His background gives the company an extensive Rolodex to build on, one that will open doors as the company continues to target three-letter federal agencies and state and local public safety departments.

An Inflection Point Approaches

Indeed, with Smith on board as Chairman and leading the team, Plymouth Rock is at an inflection point.

Thanks to the “Made in the U.S.A” label it can attach to its key products, the company is hard at work meeting with government and industry contacts to generate orders for its drones and shoe-scanner technologies.

Smith’s addition should accelerate that effort as we move into the back half of 2020. With the recent Interior Department ban, drones with China-sourced components across the country are being sent to the metal grinder.

And while competitors scramble to find non-China sources for their drones, Plymouth Rock is already off to the races with its X1 and XV products.

It’s a first-mover advantage that should allow the company to rack up orders and generate explosive growth in the months ahead.

Given the current U.S.-China tensions, “Made in the U.S.A.” has the potential to be a deal-sealer. And if you’re looking for compelling bets on that trend, you’ll want to own a piece of Plymouth Rock Technologies today.

You Won’t Believe What These Amazing Drones And Plymouth Rock’s Technology Can Do
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