A gold story built for these times
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The Perfect Lever

The Covid crisis has catapulted investors into a brave new world of seemingly bottomless fiscal and monetary stimulus.

The table is set for a generational gold bull market, and with its massive hoard of in situ gold, GoldMining (GOLD.TO; GLDLF.OTC) is an ideal vehicle for leveraging rising prices for the yellow metal.

PLUS: A new webinar to explain the new bull market in gold and how you can leverage the yellow metal’s gains....

Dear Fellow Investor,

It’s game on for gold.

Covid has accelerated trends that have been decades in the making and put the yellow metal squarely on general investors’ and fund managers’ radars.

As they look for the best way to ride the wave of stimulus the Fed and Congress have generated in response to the crisis, gold looks primed for a multi-year bull market.

We’ll have negative real interest rates and massive currency deprecation as far as the eye can see, an environment that could drive gold to record heights over the next few years.

So, what’s the best way to take advantage of gold’s day in the sun?

Major and mid-tier producers have already taken off. That’s typical, as the general market first looks to those companies that can most readily monetize higher prices.

But there’s another type of junior that’s been close on the heels of the producers in terms of generalist investor interest, and that’s the “optionality” plays.

These are companies that have used down-cycles in gold to amass large portfolios of projects with established resources.

The resulting banks of gold-in-the-ground they accumulate become never-ending call options on gold and give investors a way to maximize their gains on gold bull markets.

And I can’t think of another company that’s executed this strategy more effectively than GoldMining Inc. (GOLD.TO; GLDLF.OTC).


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A Massive Accumulation Of Gold In The Ground

Led by industry stalwart Amir Adnani, GoldMining used the gold bear market that lasted much of the 2010s to amass a multi-million-ounce gold portfolio.

The company’s focus was on projects with gold-focused resources in safe jurisdictions and, over the past decade, it has acquired 10.5 million ounces of measured and indicated gold and 13.7 million ounces of inferred gold.

These resources are contained in an array of high-quality projects that larger companies could easily bring to construction decisions.

Quality Projects Bought On The Cheap

The recent bear market for gold provided GoldMining an opportunity to accumulate this large gold portfolio for pennies on the dollar.

As the graphic below demonstrates, for a cumulative purchase price of C$81 million, the company built a portfolio of projects of such quality that their prior owners had a peak cumulative market cap of C$850 million.

Key assets in that portfolio include:

Sao Jorge (Brazil): With 715,000 ounces of indicated gold and 1.04 million ounces of inferred gold, Sao Jorge boasts an excellent infrastructure set-up.

Cachoeira (Brazil): Three deposits have been defined on this project with a total of 285 holes (31,302 meters). The deposits remain open down-dip and the eastern side of the resource-hosting shear on the project has been only lightly explored.

Colombia Projects (Titiribi, La Mina & Yarumalito): Including the recently added Yarumalito project, this collection of projects holds 5.31 million measured and indicated ounces and 4.76 million ounces of inferred gold resources.

Crucero (Peru): An orogenic gold deposit in an underexplored gold belt that contains 993,000 indicated ounces and 1.15 million inferred ounces.

Yellowknife (Canada): Located in Northwest Territories, this project came with $60 million of infrastructure and more than 230,000 meters of prior drilling. It lies along the high-grade Yellowstone Greenstone Belt and contains 1.06 million measured and indicated ounces and 739,000 inferred ounces.

Whistler (Alaska): This southwest Alaska project boasts 1.77 million ounces of indicated gold and 4.6 million ounces of inferred gold. Its porphyry deposits are bulk mineable.

Almaden (Idaho): As GoldMining’s most recent acquisition, Almaden is a great example of the company’s bargain-hunting prowess. GOLD bought the project for just $1.15 million in cash and shares and is well on the way to producing a resource estimate later in 2020.

Major Temptation

With a market cap of just over C$230 million (US$160 million),GoldMining Inc. (GOLD.TO; GLDLF.OTC) is trading for around US$17/ounce of measured and indicated gold resources (and significantly lower if you include inferred resources).

That valuation alone argues for a re-rating of the company’s share price in the current environment.

But then you factor in the chart below, and you see why GoldMining’s portfolio of developable gold projects would make such tempting takeout targets.

As you can see, in the face of gold prices that have multiplied many times over since 2003, the industry’s major producers have been experiencing a rapid decline in their reserve bases.

With the high-gold price, low-interest environment we’re currently in, it wouldn’t surprise me at all to see a buyer for one or more of GoldMining’s projects.

Attend This Free Webinar To Learn More About Today’s New Gold Bull Market And How GoldMining Inc. Is Poised To Take Advantage Of It

Simply put, GoldMining Inc. (GOLD.TO; GLDLF.OTC) is a situation where the right strategy is meeting with ideal market conditions, and I’m very bullish, both on gold in general and this company specifically.

So much so, in fact, that I’ve invited Amir Adnani to join me on Thursday, June 4th at 11:00 am Pacific Time for another of our discussions on the state of the market and his company’s ability to deliver significant leverage on gold.

I encourage you to register for this FREE event today, and, more importantly, to consider building a position in GoldMining Inc (GOLD.TO; GLDLF.OTC) today.

To Register For Our Webinar On June 4
And To Learn More about GoldMining Inc.

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Golden Opportunities
Jefferson Companies
111 Veterans Memorial Blvd. Suite 1555
New Orleans, LA 70118