Is it already time to sell gold?
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Gold Newsletter Preview:

An Unpopular View

While the world has suffered through a deadly pandemic, it’s been all rainbows and unicorns for gold bugs.

In the days just ahead, however, those roles may be reversed.

Dear Fellow Investor,

It seems like the job of any newsletter writer focused on the gold market, much less a newsletter named Gold Newsletter, is to extol the potential of this historic new gold bull market and dance on the tables with every other gold bug whose portfolio is expanding at a furious rate.

I’ve been around the block a few times, however, and when things are going this well I get nervous. And I firmly believe that my job is to sound a note of caution when my spider-sense is tingling.

Don’t get me wrong — I’ve been enjoying this party as much as anyone. Hell, if you remember, I was blowing the balloons in December of 2015, well before just about anyone else was calling for the end of the long bear market.

And to be sure, I’m not calling for the end of this new bull market so soon after it’s kicked into high gear.

But if you read our last issue of Golden Opportunities, published just a couple of days ago, you know that I feel the next few weeks could be a bit choppy in the metals and mining shares, for reasons that may be bad for gold but good for every other aspect of our lives.

It’s not a popular view among gold bugs these days. But I expand on this theme in the June issue of Gold Newsletter, published last night, and give some more reasons why I’m worried...and why resource investors with big gains should consider taking some profits now.

But that isn’t the only thing I cover in this issue....

New Indications Of A Big Stock Market Sell-Off Ahead

In this month’s edition of Gold Newsletter, I show how we’ve found a very simple but amazingly reliable (as in, never failed) technical indicator that’s now pointing toward a dramatic reversal in the S&P 500 in the days just ahead.

This indicator is absolutely screaming that the recent rebound in U.S. stocks is merely a bear-market rally, and one that will soon end.

I cover all the details on this remarkable forecast and provide valuable updates for dozens of today’s top junior mining stocks.

All in all, this month’s issue spans 41 pages of prime market intelligence, including three new stock recommendations:

1) A company that may be the single most exciting opportunity I’ve seen in decades. It has 3.2 million ounces of gold sitting close to world-class mining infrastructure...doesn’t have to pay a cent to get into production...and is being valued as if it’s a grass-roots exploration play.

2) A hot new silver exploration company that’s not even trading yet, but will within days. It boasts projects coming out of a top silver company, along with a geological Dream Team. If you act now you can get into this deal right at the starting line of trading.

3) Finally, I introduce an amazing new royalty company that just came to market with not only a full-fledged portfolio of royalties, but also a key advantage that no other royalty company can boast of.


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Get All The Details...

Frankly, as you can see in our June issue of Gold Newsletter, I’ve turned a bit negative on the metals in the near term.

I’m simultaneously excited that we may see some good news on the pandemic front...and worried about what that might mean for gold, silver and the mining stocks we’re invested in.

That said, I think a number of our recommended stocks — including this month’s new recommendations — could beat any headwinds and take off in the days just ahead.

If you’re an active investor, you need to read this issue of Gold Newsletter. And to make the decision slam-dunk easy, I’m giving you another “Covid crisis” opportunity to subscribe at half price.

As before, this half-price opportunity will remain open for only the next three days.

If you act within that time frame, you’ll pay just $99 for 12 months of market-leading intelligence, while others are paying twice that amount.

Plus, you’ll get two special reports: “Money Multipliers: Resource Stocks Poised To TRIPLE” and our newly updated “The Investor’s Guide To Gold And Silver.”

Perhaps most importantly, you’ll get the full details on our latest three hot picks.

As an example of just how important these new picks could be, consider that the new recommendations featured in our May issue are already up an average of 44.59% and those from our April issue are up 72.63%.

This market’s on fire, and you need to get in now.

So to get a full year of Gold Newsletter at half price — just $99 — and get immediate access to our exciting May issue, click on the link below.

All the best,

Brien Lundin
Editor, Gold Newsletter
CEO, the New Orleans Investment Conference

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