Read the world’s most incisive report on gold — for free...
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The World’s Best Report On Gold

Every year, investors around the globe eagerly await the release of the annual In Gold We Trust report by the Liechtenstein-based investment firm Incrementum AG.

They should charge hundreds of dollars for this remarkably insightful report...but instead they give you access at no charge.

Here’s what it says — and how you can get it now.

Dear Fellow Investor,

You got a sneak peek — now you can get the whole thing.

Back in April, noted gold analyst Ronald Stoeferle came on our Gold Newsletter Podcast to give us a preview of this year’s In Gold We Trust report. (For just a hint of how interesting it was, consider the theme: “The good news about the next recession.”)

We gave you a link to that podcast in an issue of Golden Opportunities. Now I’m pleased to give you a link to the entire report.

Just to put things into context, this may be the best — most comprehensive and insightful — report on gold around today. The full report runs 339 pages, and that’s a lot to assimilate.

So Incrementum AG, the Liechtenstein-based investment firm that publishes the report, also puts out an abbreviated version. It runs 95 pages.

That’s a lot, too. So while I strongly urge you to review the full report, or the abbreviated version, here are the “key takeaways” in Incrementum’s own words:

• Trust is the basic value of interpersonal cooperation and the cement of our social order. The erosion of our “trust capital” can be observed in many areas of society.

• The breakdown of trust in the international monetary order is manifesting itself in the highest gold purchases by central banks since 1971 and the ongoing trend to repatriate gold reserves.

• Gold reaffirmed its portfolio position as a good diversifier as trust in the “Everything Bubble” was tested in Q4/2018. While equity markets suffered double-digit percentage losses, gold gained 8.1% and gold mining stocks 13.7%.

• The normalization of monetary policy was abruptly halted by the stock market slump in Q4/2018. The “monetary U-turn” that we already forecasted last year has begun.

• Recession risks are significantly higher than discounted by the market. In the event of a downturn, negative interest rates, a new round of QE, and the implementation of even more extreme monetary policy ideas (e.g. MMT) are to be expected.

• When it comes to trust in investments, our vote is clear. Trust looks to the future, forms itself in the present, and feeds itself from the past. Gold can look back on a successful five-thousand-year history as sound money.

Be Sure To Read The Whole Report!

The fascinating quotes featured in the In Gold We Trust report are immensely valuable all by themselves.

But there’s so much depth to this research, and so many unique perspectives, that every serious investor should review it.

I’ve provided the links below for both the full and abbreviated versions — do yourself a favor and download them now.

All the best,

Brien Lundin
Editor, Gold Newsletter
CEO, the New Orleans Investment Conference

CLICK HERE to get the full version of the In Gold We Trust Report.

CLICK HERE to get the abbreviated version of the In Gold We Trust Report.


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