Discovery is the name of the game for this company with drills about to turn
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Two Great Targets,
One Targeted Approach

Discovery is the name of the game — and literally so when you consider the amazing string of money-making successes made recently by companies in the Discovery Group.

So what’s going to be their next big winner?

Many are betting it will be Ethos Gold (ECC.V; ETHOF.OTC) — a company about to drill a large copper-gold target…with another massive project in the red-hot Newfoundland gold play.


Dear Fellow Investor,

Making a gold discovery is hard.

Only a few projects turn into legitimate deposits, and it takes more than a little luck to make a big discovery.

That said, some people seem to have a knack for finding their way to great projects.

All things being equal, the best avenue to a potential discovery is to have a management and technical team with a track record of past discoveries and a keen eye for good projects.

That combination of attributes describes Ethos Gold’s (ECC.V; ETHOF.OTC) team and projects perfectly.

As you’re about to see, Ethos’ technical team has a track record of major discoveries…its management team has a reputation for creating shareholder value…and its two drill-ready projects put it in prime position to make the market’s next big discovery.

The Right Team For The Job

Management is the key to success in mineral exploration, and in this regard Ethos Gold’s status as a Discovery Group company puts it in rarified air.

Simply put, the string of successes emanating from this group of savvy financiers and geological experts — highlighted by the sky-rocketing gains from Great Bear Resources — has been unsurpassed in recent history.

That gives Ethos Gold an advisory and leadership team that’s second-to-none in the exploration sector.

It starts with Chief Technical Advisor Dr. Rob Carpenter who, as President and CEO of Kaminak Gold, led that company through the discovery and growth of the five-million-ounce Coffee gold project in the Yukon.

Coffee made Kaminak one of the bigger winners of gold’s last major up-cycle, and Dr. Carpenter sees similar potential in both Perk-Rocky, Ethos’s copper-gold project in western British Columbia and Toogood, its gold project in Newfoundland.

As a sign that this Newfoundland project has merit, Craig Roberts, who is CEO of New Found Gold (the company whose Keats discovery helped spark the recent Newfoundland gold rush), serves as Ethos Gold’s chairman.


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Chasing Copper-Gold in British Columbia

That team is high on Perk-Rocky’s potential as a copper-gold porphyry deposit.

For those new to mining, porphyry-style deposits, when they get developed, are typically massive, world-class mines that last decades.

Perk-Rocky is in a ripe area of western British Columbia to make such a find, and as the graphic below indicates, Ethos has already identified a vast, 8-kilometer-by-5-kilometer anomaly to test on the project.

And, despite its potential size, this project has actually never been tested with the drill-bit…until now.

As of last month, a C$1 million exploration program, including drilling, has begun on this target, with assays due in Q3 2021.

Given the scale involved in these types of deposits, good results from this program could send Ethos’s share price soaring.

Aiming To Write Newfoundland’s Next Discovery Chapter

Of course, discovery is never a sure thing, so it’s always great when a company has another drill-ready project in its back pocket.

And Ethos has secured an extraordinary one in Toogood, a well-named, high-grade gold prospect in the red-hot gold jurisdiction that is Newfoundland.

Significant discoveries at Valentine Lake and Keats have made the province one of Canada’s highest-profile gold districts in recent years.

Though those projects sit on different substructures within Newfoundland, they both lie along the vast geological structure that transects the province (and runs from the Carolinas through to Ireland).

Toogood lies on the northeast end of this structure in Newfoundland and has shown numerous occurrences of high-grade gold.

Truly district-scale, Toogood’s 118-square-kilometer property boundary hosts no less than 28 kilometers of prospective strike.

Exploration plans for fall drilling at Toogood should hit the market any day now, and those plans should give Ethos a second potential source of discovery news flow in 2021.

Great Timing

With drills already turning at Perk-Rocky and set to turn soon at Toogood, Ethos shareholders won’t have to wait long for potential drill-result catalysts for this story.

Perk-Rocky and Toogood are two different types of targets, but they share a common, discovery-focused approach honed by some of the savviest technical minds in exploration.

The company’s current trading levels offer a compelling entry point for those looking to bet that Ethos Gold Corp. will be the next in a long string of successes for the Discovery Group.

In short, the market is offering up a bargain-priced discovery bet here…and if past form holds true, that won’t last for long.

To Learn More about Ethos Gold Corp.

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