The perfect set up for gold investors?
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The Perfect Set Up

Dozens of the world’s top investment experts are ready to show you where the markets are going and how to capitalize on it.

And here’s a taste of what you’re going to discover.

June 30, 2021

Dear Fellow Investor,

I’ve got big news...and a big opportunity.

First off, you know that gold’s taken a steep dive in recent days, thanks to the Fed’s shift in its messaging.

They’re now talking about talking about raising a couple of years from now...and the markets are freaking out about the possibility.

As a result, gold has taken it on the chin, and frankly I’m not that positive about its prospects in the near term as investors try to digest the Fed’s new approach.

But there are some positive signs amidst the gloom.

For one, silver has outperformed gold on the way down. This almost never happens in a market environment dominated by monetary policy, as this one is.

In my opinion, this is a sign that the recent set back could simply be a knee-jerk reaction from trading algorithms, and investors are still buying the long-term fundamental story behind this bull market.

Second, the mining stocks haven’t leveraged gold’s move to the downside. Granted, they’re down, but not as much as gold. This is also a sign that gold’s weakness could be short-lived.

It’s also an opportunity...

The Perfect Set Up For Mining Stocks?

I was reminded of this point this morning, when I came across a tweet by Tavi Costa, portfolio manager for the highly respected Crescat Capital. Tavi’s tweet featured this remarkable chart:

Tavi’s accompanying tweet was “We don’t get setups like this very often.”

And you can see why he’s so bullish on the gold and silver miners right now: The XAU index of miners has just bounced off of long-term support, and the RSI has reached the same low levels that have previously signaled very steep and profitable runs higher.

If Tavi’s right, this is the perfect setup for getting into the metals and miners.

But don’t base your decisions on this one chart. Tavi and his team at Crescat have just published an extraordinary research report — entitled “A Tale Of Two Destructive Outcomes” — detailing the trick box the Fed has worked itself into.

This report, which you can read here, presents a powerful case for precious metals and mining stocks as a result of the Fed’s predicament and the most likely outcomes.

I urge you to read it, as Tavi and his team are among the smartest analysts out there today.

Speaking of which...

The World’s Top Experts Are Gathering For You

Tavi is only one of dozens of today’s leading authorities in geopolitics, economics and every investment sector that are gathering at this year’s New Orleans Investment Conference.

It’s a line-up that’s nothing short of mind-blowing. Look who we’ve confirmed so far:

Ron Paul...James Grant...Jim Rickards...Danielle DiMartino Booth...George Gammon...Grant Williams...Jim Iuorio...Doug Casey...Rick Rule...Dave Collum...Dominic Frisby...Tavi Costa...Peter Schiff...Lawrence Lepard... Brent Johnson...Peter Boockvar...The Real Estate Guys...Adrian Day...Gwen Preston...Bill Murphy...Chris Powell...Robert Prechter...Mary Anne and Pamela Aden...Omar Ayales...Thom Calandra...Brent Cook...Joe Mazumdar...Gerardo Del Real...Steve Hochberg...Dana Samuelson...Mark Skousen...Lobo Tiggre...Nick Hodge...Rich Checkan...Mike Larson...Jeff Clark...

...And many, many more — including yours truly!

There are many more details to come, including exciting special events and panels, that I’ll share with you in the days ahead.

But for now, I wanted to get this news out to you as quickly as possible, because word is leaking out. We just quietly put out our registration link for the first time a few days ago, and people are already starting to pile in.

Here’s the deal: New Orleans 2021 will be the first major, paid investment conference of its type that will be held in person.

There are no longer any significant restrictions here in New Orleans...we’re back to normal...and everyone is telling us that they’re beyond excited to return not only to in-person events but to our gathering here in New Orleans.

I predict this year’s New Orleans Conference will be a blockbuster that we’ll be talking about for years to come.

But our room block is strictly limited this year, and I expect it to be completely sold out.

If you act now, you can guarantee your place and save up to $500 on your registration.

You may not have either opportunity if you delay too long, however.

So click on the link below, or call us now, to secure your place at what promises to be the most spectacular investment gathering in many years.

All the best,

Brien Lundin
Editor, Gold Newsletter
CEO, the New Orleans Investment Conference

— Or Call 800-648-8411 —
To Register Now For New Orleans 2021


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111 Veterans Memorial Blvd. Suite 1555
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