Announcing the revolutionary New Orleans 2020 Investment Conference… |
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“The World’s Greatest Virtual Investment Event”
In this extraordinary year, the legendary New Orleans Conference is being transformed into an investor gathering that doesn’t end…delivering value for you throughout the year.
This will be a virtual event like none other — and an opportunity for you to engage with top experts in a way never before possible.
As you can tell from the headline above, we’ve finally made the decision.
Frankly, it was inescapable. For months as this pandemic raged across the world, I didn’t want to face the fact that we might not be able to meet here in New Orleans this fall.
But there were a lot of factors that simply made it impossible for us to get together in person.
For one thing, no one knows what the Covid-19 pandemic will be like in October. Would enough people be willing to travel to make the Conference a viable event? Will we be able to travel at all?
Even if everything is completely normalized by then (which looks increasingly unlikely), we simply won’t know that until shortly before the Conference is scheduled. And that’s simply too late to plan or make changes in the event.
I’ve pondered all of this and considered every option for months now. And it all came down to this simple fact: I couldn’t ask you to risk it.
You see, the Covid-19 virus and the New Orleans Conference share the same target audience — and that audience is at the greatest risk with this pandemic.
So many of our regular attendees have become like a second family to us over the years, and there’s no way I could ethically market my event — try to persuade you to attend — knowing that it could put you at deadly risk.
In the end, the decision was hard, but obvious. We’ll have to put off meeting in person this year.
But we are going to get together virtually...and in a fashion that transcends anything you’ve seen before.
Building From A Unique Foundation
Faced with the decision to replace our live event with a virtual one, I decided to take a completely fresh approach, to rebuild the conference from the ground up.
To do so, I sought first to distill the New Orleans Conference into the key elements that distinguish it from all other investment events.
To me, it came down to two things.
The first element is value. Thanks to the legacy of Jim Blanchard, who went above and beyond in everything he did, the New Orleans Conference has the reputation of always going the extra mile in bringing value to its attendees.
And that’s not just in the “big name” speakers that you don’t typically find at other events, but in finding new, intriguing, often undiscovered experts who provide cutting edge insights that run against the grain of the consensus.
It means covering topics, composing panels, and creating events that not only entertain, but most importantly enlighten us in unexpected ways.
After 50 years at the epicenter of the hard money movement...and with decades of bringing the top experts in every sector to our event...our organization is uniquely positioned to assemble the best speakers and cover the most vital topics.
Understanding this prompted the next question: How do I use the advantages of a virtual format to expand this value for our attendees?
The second key characteristic of the New Orleans Conference is something that defies description. Trying to capture it in language is like trying to grasp smoke, and frankly just as frustrating.
Words like “heart,” “soul,” “spirit” and “energy” come close, but even combined they offer only an imperfect description of the special feeling this event engenders.
Of course, being set in New Orleans itself helps in this regard. You can feel the laissez faire ambience of this remarkable city almost immediately upon entering it, and because of this it is the perfect setting for a group of free-minded individuals.
The beauty of New Orleans involves all the senses — the sights, sounds and smells, but also the interaction with our extraordinarily welcoming people. Fully translating this invigorating atmosphere into bytes over the Internet is virtually impossible (pardon the pun), but we can and will try our best.
However, the key aspect of what makes this event so intellectually energizing is the people who attend — the aforementioned free-thinkers who are intelligent, accomplished, maverick and hungry for new insights.
This is the gravitational center of what we’ve built over five decades. It’s you ...and the other knowledge seekers who gather every year in a special place and a special time.
So this was my challenge: How to combine the best of the New Orleans Conference — the people and the product — with the advantages of the Internet?
And then the answer hit me....
The Conference With
Value That Never Ends...
Simply put, the ability to combine the reach of the Internet with my network of experts means that the New Orleans Conference doesn’t have to end.
Yes, we can — and will — focus on providing an intense, entertaining and enlightening four-day event that will blow away any similar production.
That’s in the works right now, and I’ll share some of the exciting details on that below.
But you’re going to get all that value — and much more. Because I realized that I can use my leverage in the investment industry to continue delivering the same kind of value to you throughout the year.
That means...
• Up-to-the-minute presentations from today’s top experts in every investment market
• Timely, entertaining panels bringing together a number of leading authorities on vital topics and sectors
• Question-and-answer opportunities so you can get your specific concerns addressed
• Continued access to and engagement with the most exciting small-cap companies
And all of this delivered on a regular basis, all year long. More than the New Orleans Investment Conference, we’re transforming into a kind of “New Orleans Conference Club,” with a membership of ultra-smart and successful investors.
You don’t pay a separate price for each event or presentation. By signing up for the New Orleans Conference, you get it all at no additional cost!
Now consider that the same technical tools, plus the ability to extend the delivery of this investment intelligence over the course of the year, allows us to do even more for you:
| • Enjoy frequent “Zoom calls” with leading authorities... |
Rather than big webinars marketed to thousands of investors, often at high prices, you can join in on exclusive and intimate gatherings with some of the top names around.
And these won’t be promoted to tens of thousands of investors, but only mentioned to our group of Conference attendees. There’s no telling how many, or how few, people will be in on the call.
Can you imagine being on a call with one of our big names and only a dozen or so other investors? I expect that our presenters will be very comfortable in sharing lots of details and observations that others will never hear!
| • Listen in on my calls with
widely-watched junior mining companies... |
...And little-known up-and-comers. I talk with dozens of junior mining companies each month in my search for great new opportunities for my Gold Newsletter readers.
After 35 years in the business, I can get to the meat of a story — its easiest path to higher prices, how high it could go and how likely it is to do so — very quickly. I also ask the tough and necessary questions in search of any potential roadblocks or fatal flaws.
Company executives and geologists are very frank with me. They have to be. So my calls with them end up being extremely informative.
So get this: Now when I’m talking with many of these companies, I’m simply going to click “record” and let all of my New Orleans Conference attendees listen in!
In a rollicking gold bull market like this one, I can’t adequately describe how valuable it will be for you to listen in on these calls. You’ll be able to avoid a number of deals, but more importantly, you’ll be among the first to discover tomorrow’s hottest opportunities.
| • Attend Virtual “Mini-Conferences”
On Breaking Trends |
I’m not going to pretend that I know every top expert in every sector or on every topic.
But I can almost guarantee that, thanks to the network I’ve built over the decades, I’m probably separated by no more than one degree from any of them.
And like no one else in this business — whether it’s geopolitics, economics, investments or pandemics — I can put the best people together in a flash.
This is incredibly exciting to me. You see, with all of the logistics, travel and everything else involved, the planning for each New Orleans Investment Conference extends to over a year.
Because of this, I’ve always been frustrated by the difficulties in addressing late-breaking events. Fortunately, we always have such an elite group of speakers that we can address new developments with extremely qualified authorities.
But now, within days, I’ll be able to gather great speakers to produce timely mini-conferences for you on whatever the latest market-moving developments may be.
And all you’ll have to do is click on a link to join these events!
Don’t Get Up -- We’ll Come To You!
I think you’re getting the picture. We’re going to use modern technology to bring our legendary value to you this year.
Next year, hopefully we’ll be able to host you down here in New Orleans once again. And I can’t wait to see you again in person.
But from now on, we’ll continue to offer you this remarkable virtually-delivered value all year long, through this New Orleans Conference Club concept.
You’ll get each of these benefits (and more as we dream them up!), every month, throughout the year...but you’ll only pay one low price, one time.
And all of this, of course, is on top of the big event itself....
New Orleans 2020:
Literally The Best Virtual Event
You’ll Ever Attend
Have no fear — while we’ve expanded our model to provide you with insightful investment intelligence all year long, we’ve also been lining up some extraordinary speakers for “the world’s greatest investment event.”
Already, we’ve gotten commitments from Robert Kiyosaki, Danielle DiMartino Booth, Jim Rickards, Rick Rule, Peter Schiff, Doug Casey, Grant Williams, Peter Boockvar and more.
And frankly, we’ve only just begun. Now that our decision has been made and we know we’re having a virtual gathering, we’re taking advantage of that fact to invite the pre-eminent experts from around the world.
We’re going to feature them not only with their compelling individual presentations, but also whenever possible in lively panels and Q&A opportunities...with every bit of it brought directly to you.
Plus, we’re going to have a virtual exhibit hall packed with high-powered opportunities, just as this juggernaut gold bull market is gaining steam.
So stay tuned, as more exciting details will follow in the days ahead.
But don’t wait for them, because the value is about to start flowing...and the cost to participate is amazingly low.
The Best Deal In A Red-Hot Market
Everyone knows that in a gold bull market, the best place to be is the New Orleans Investment Conference.
Now, you don’t have to “be” anywhere, because we’re going to bring this event to you from October 14-17...and for all year long.
So you get not only the immense value of the New Orleans Conference, but you get it many times over.
Now here’s the great news: Registration for this year’s virtual New Orleans Conference is currently just $375.
That’s right. The equivalent of multiple New Orleans Investment Conferences, delivered directly to your computer, for just a few hundred dollars.
Can you imagine your return on that small investment from just one red-hot investment recommendation?
Act Now To Make Sure You’re Included
Please know that I can’t guarantee this low rate will continue.
Once we open this opportunity up to investors at large, if we get a flood of registrations (and I can’t see why we won’t considering this extraordinary value), I reserve the right to raise prices until the flood abates.
This is an exclusive, intimate group, and I want to keep it that way.
My staff and I have a lot of work to do in the weeks ahead, but I can’t express how excited we are about what we have to offer you through this year’s New Orleans Conference and our ground-breaking club model.
If you know me, you know it’s going to be worth well more than you’ll pay for it.
But make sure you’re on board, and at this remarkably low price. Just click on the link below to confirm your registration now.
All the best,

Brien Lundin
Editor, Gold Newsletter
CEO, the New Orleans Investment Conference
P.S. Our first private Zoom call — for registered attendees only — is coming up in a few days. It’s going to feature the latest insights from Rick Rule, plus the top stock picks from one of today’s most respected resource newsletter writers (I’m keeping their identity secret for now).
If you hope to participate in this valuable call, you’ll need to register for New Orleans 2020 right now!
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111 Veterans Memorial Blvd. Suite 1555
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