Dear Fellow Investor,
Silver’s taking off — confirming a new bull run in gold and silver.
Experienced precious metals investors know that silver typically moves more than gold in a classic bull market, providing much more profit potential.
They also know that high-quality silver stocks offer even more potential than silver itself.
With all that said, is there a way to get even more leverage in a metals investment?
Well, yes...if you can find an early-stage, high-grade, world-class silver project that has been flying well under the market’s radar.
A project like Prophecy Development Corp’s (PCY.TO; PRPCF.OTCQX) Pulacayo silver discovery.
An Historic Silver Giant Poised For Re-Discovery
Prophecy Development Corp is well known for its exceptional vanadium and coal projects.
But just about everyone in the market has completely forgotten about the amazing Pulacayo silver project that the company has owned since 2015...a massive, high-grade discovery that the company has re-awakened now that the price of silver is taking off.
Not only that, Prophecy’s management is rapidly advancing the project, with drilling planned in the weeks just ahead.
With a stunning 678 million ounces of past production, Pulacayo ranks as the second largest silver mine in world history. The previous production was predominantly derived from the Veta Tajo (Tajo vein system), which had been defined along a strike length of 2.5 kilometers and to a depth of more than 1,000 meters.

Silver mining at Pulacayo began in the Spanish Colonial Period (c.1545), although production details from this period do not exist and the first work formally recorded on the property was carried out in 1833.
Revenue from the mine funded the first railway line in Bolivia, which in 1888 connected Pulacayo to the port of Antofagasta, Chile. In 1891, reported annual silver production reached 5.7 million ounces and mining operations at Pulacayo at that time were the second largest in Bolivia.
Work continued through the intervening years until closure in 1959 due to lack of exploration and rising costs.
But that’s all changed today, as evidenced by the fact that the Potosi department of Bolivia, which hosts Sumitomo’s San Cristobal mine, Pan American’s San Vincente mine and New Pacific’s massive new Silver Sands discovery, produced over 25 million ounces of silver in 2018 alone.

Pulacayo Has Both World-Class Size And Grade
Since 2005, over US$25 million has been invested in Pulacayo-Paca, including over 98,000 meters of drilling.
On October 20, 2017, Mercator Geological Services Limited published a 43-101-compliant Technical Report (available on SEDAR) on Pulacayo which outlined 30 million ounces of silver in the indicated category grading 455 g/t...and a further 21 million ounces of silver in the inferred category grading 256 g/t.

That 43-101 resource included both the Paca satellite open-pit resource and the Pulacayo underground resource. Both Paca and Pulacayo are open along strike and at depth, offering yet more upside potential.
That upside is about to be explored within weeks, as Prophecy is planning to begin both confirmation and exploration drilling at Paca this fall.

The results could be an eye-opener for the market, considering that previous results from Paca included near-surface drill intercepts of 42 meters of 406 g/t silver and 38 meters of 411 g/t silver.
Those are results are truly exceptional, not only in terms of grades but length of the intersections.
And consider this: With only 30% of the known mineralization drilled so far, this already-large silver resource has the potential to grow tremendously as drilling continues.
An Emerging Producer With Near-Term Cash Flow Potential
Production from Pulacayo during 2012 trial mining
Unlike most exploration plays, Pulacayo is a proven commodity, having gone through a 10,000-tonne trial mining program in 2012. The materials were mined from Pulacayo and toll milled at a near-by facility, producing lead and zinc concentrates which were sold to Trafigura.
With this history, Pulacayo has the potential to be developed into an emerging silver producer with strong cash flow potential in the near term. That potential is bolstered by reported diamond drill intercepts as high as 1,030 g/t Ag over 25 meters, merely 50 meters beneath the well-maintained San Leon tunnel.
Proven Management
The Prophecy team is led by CEO Mike Doolin, previously chief operating officer of Klondex Mines Ltd. — a company that was acquired by Hecla in 2018 for nearly half a billion dollars.
With over 30 years of experience specializing in narrow-vein underground mines, Mr. Doolin’s team is studying production scenarios both at Pulacayo and Paca that may be implemented as soon as the mining production contract is granted by the Bolivian government. The company expects that contract in the very near future.
Here’s The Opportunity...
Prophecy Development Corp. is currently trading around C$0.20, for a market capitalization on only around $18 million.
This is one-twentieth (1/20) of the value of its neighbor, New Pacific Metals, with its massive new Silver Sand discovery.
And consider this: With 95 million Prophecy shares outstanding, investors are getting the equivalent of half an ounce of high-grade silver in the ground for every share of Prophecy.
That’s leverage.
Up until now, Prophecy’s management team has been focusing on operations rather than marketing. This is about to change as they are about to embark on a road show in the U.S., Canada and Europe to tell this exciting silver story.
That effort to tell the story is beginning with this email — in other words, you are among the first to learn of this “re-discovery” of a world-class, high-grade silver project.
You certainly won’t be the last to learn of it.
With rising silver prices — and insiders having bought hundreds of thousands shares in recent months — don’t let your head start on this story be wasted.
Take a hard look at Prophecy Development Corp’s (PCY.TO; PRPCF.OTCQX) amazing story now, before the drills start turning again...and before thousands of eager investors discover this remarkable story.
To Learn More About Prophecy Development Corp and Its Pulcayo Mining Project