Dear Fellow Investor,
Late last week we dispatched our September issue of Gold Newsletter.
I reported on gold’s attempt to rally from its recent lows, having added about $30 to its price over the last two weeks of August.
I also noted that a number of our gold exploration picks had doubled...even tripled...on big news, so that area of the market was starting to catch fire.
But then I closed that issue with a warning...
The Gold:Silver Ratio Was Not Confirming Gold’s Recovery
In my closing “Potpourri” section of the newsletter, I noted that the gold:silver ratio had not been confirming the recent strength in gold...and in fact hadn’t been constructive for some time.

As you can see from this chart from our friend Nick Laird at, the gold:silver ratio has actually been climbing for some time...with a big jump higher as silver has dropped about 2.3% today alone.
In comparison, gold is “only” down about $8.00, or 0.66%, today, which is why the gold:silver ratio has spiked higher.
Why is this so important?
As experienced gold investors know well, a falling gold:silver ratio — when silver is outperforming gold — is a sign of a classic, powerful gold bull market based on monetary issues.
When gold is outperforming silver — in other words, when the gold:silver ratio is rising — it’s usually a sign that gold is responding to exogenous factors unrelated to currency inflation or other monetary issues. Typically that means it’s a short-term factor related to some geopolitical concerns.
In last week’s Gold Newsletter, I noted that “In this case, [the rising gold:silver ratio is] a sign that the foundation of the nascent gold recovery is still unstable and that gold is susceptible to another attack by speculative shorts.”
That attack appears to be happening today.
However, gold is off of its lows, having traded as much as $11 lower earlier today. It’s posted a bit of a recovery as I write, although I have little doubt that it will end up significantly in the red.
So does this negate gold’s recovery?
Not at all. As I also reported in Gold Newsletter, “In gold, the bottom of a correction isn’t so much a point as a process.”
So we shouldn’t try to pinpoint the exact bottom, but rather remind ourselves that prices will be considerably higher down the road...and we should keep accumulating bargains at these lower levels.
Those who picked up our top exploration picks in early August, for example, have already enjoyed huge gains. Our pick of Aben Resources more than doubled, while Great Bear Resources nearly quadrupled.
I’m confident that more gains like these — many more, in fact — are on the way.
And you need to prepare yourself.
How do you get ready for gold’s next big run? Easy...
If you look at the big picture, there’s no doubt that gold is not only in the process of bottoming...but the next move is very likely to be the start of another historic, multi-year bull market.
If that happens, then we’ll look back at this year’s New Orleans Conference as one of the most profitable decisions we made in our investing careers.
This year marks another blockbuster line-up of speakers. As usual, we start with geopolitical, economic and other “big picture” experts like Robert Kiyosaki, James Grant, Mark Steyn, Jonah Goldberg, Guy Adami, Dennis Gartman, Doug Casey, Rick Rule, Peter Schiff and more.
We get more specific with experts like deadly-accurate market forecaster Keith Fitz-Gerald...wealth and livelihood preservationists Chris Martenson and Adam Taggart…influential market economist Peter Boockvar…and popular analysts Bob Prechter, Mark Skousen, Sean Levine, Matt Warder, Tom Wheelwright, The Real Estate Guys and Steve Hochberg.
I’m particularly excited to announce that we’ve added one of today’s most popular market commentators, Ben Hunt of the always-insightful Epsilon Theory blog, as a featured presenter. Ben brings his fascinating analyses, including his expertise in game theory, to the most pressing issues and developments in today’s markets.
You’ll find his approach will give you a new and valuable perspective on not only investing, but human interaction in general. It’s not to be missed.

But here’s the important point for metals and mining investors....
As usual, this year’s New Orleans conference will gather the world’s best experts in metals and mining.
In addition to the aforementioned gold-oriented pros, including Rick Rule, Peter Schiff, Doug Casey, Matt Warder and James Grant...
...We’re bringing in authorities like Adrian Day, Nick Hodge, Louis James, Byron King, Lindsay Hall, Mary Anne and Pamela Aden, Omar Ayales, Thom Calandra, Chris Powell, Gerardo Del Real, Mickey Fulp, Bill Murphy and more.
There’s a sense of urgency to this year’s event for a couple of reasons.
One, as I’ve mentioned, is that metals and mining stocks are continuing their bottoming process and look ready to post their long-awaited next rally.
Not only that but, if speculator sentiment is any indication, this next move in gold could be historic in nature.
That would imply life-changing returns in mining stocks...and there’s no better place to be in that scenario than the New Orleans Investment Conference.
Second, I’m getting concerned about our room block at the New Orleans Hilton.
At the current rate of response, we’re very likely to sell out well before the Conference. Once again, the last time that happened not another room was to be had in the city, and some attendees had to commute in from the suburbs.
If you lock in your place now, you’ll guarantee accommodations in our convenient host hotel, just an elevator ride to our general sessions and social events.
Moreover, you’ll also lock in a savings of up to $400 per registration. And, as a Golden Opportunities subscriber, you’ll qualify for a FREE Gold Club upgrade. That’s a $189 value!
To learn more and reserve all of these benefits, just CLICK HERE now. (And be sure to enter FREEGOLDCLUB as your discount code to claim your free Gold Club upgrade.)
All the best,

Brien Lundin
Editor, Gold Newsletter
CEO, the New Orleans Investment Conference
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New Orleans 2018!