Dear Fellow Investor,
Gold has spent the last week or so consolidating this year’s massive move higher.
As I’ve been warning you, a correction was inevitable. In fact, it was to be welcomed, for the health of this major new bull market.
And a bull market it is. In full. Not only has the metal itself blasted through every level of resistance, but mining stocks and silver have been out-performing as well. This is a key confirmation that a long-term, secular move its at hand.
If this is anything like what we enjoyed from 2001 to 2011, we’ll see more stomach-churning corrections...
...But we’ll also reap absolute fortunes along the way, as many of our junior mining picks multiply in value.
It’s already beginning, as we’ve already posted our first big winner in this move, with Great Bear Resources (GBR.V) recently rocketing to as much as 26 times our entry price in our Gold Newsletter Alert service.
Once again, if this is the multi-year move that it appears to be, there’ll be many more winners like this.
Our job is to make sure we’re ready for them.
The Two Things You Need To Do Now
Last week I urged you to download our Investor’s Guide to Gold and Silver to get you up to speed on every aspect of precious metals investing, from physical bullion to futures/options to ETFs to mining stocks and more.
This is an invaluable, completely objective resource. And it’s free of charge for you, as a Golden Opportunities subscriber.
I also promised to reveal two additional resources you could use to get ahead of this new gold bull market. Here they are...
No. 1.:
Watch Our “How To Ride The Gold (& Silver) Bull” Webinar
Last week I joined my friends Rick Rule, Chris Martenson and Adam Taggart (the latter two the proprietors of the Peak Prosperity service) for a valuable webinar.
Our mission: To make sure our readers and followers understood what was happening in metals and mining...why it was happening...and how they could use our decades of experience to ensure they maximized their returns (and kept them).
It was a remarkably valuable event, as we shared our top advice and strategies. Tens of thousands of investors have viewed this webinar so far.
I want to make sure you don’t miss it, so this is the first thing I want you to do now.
CLICK HERE to view this webinar now.
No. 2:
Reserve Your Place At New Orleans 2019 Now
OK, this one seems a bit self-serving, since I’m the producer of this annual event.
But in all sincerity, this is the single best thing you can do to fully understand the factors behind this big move in gold...and to discover the stocks that will be tomorrow’s huge winners.
Thousands of previous New Orleans Conference attendees will vouch for this fact.
We’re gathering virtually every top expert in the insightful experts in geopolitics, the economy and every other investment sector (including cannabis, crypto and exciting new tech plays).
So yes, I want you to attend this year’s New Orleans Conference — so much so that I’m offering an extraordinary money-back guarantee...offering you a $400 discount from the full registration fee...and providing you with a $189 Gold Club upgrade at no charge...
...IF you register now.
Time is of the essence, not only to capture this exclusive offer, but also because our pre-registrations are well ahead of last year’s pace.
We’ve sold out before, and we could soon do so again.
So CLICK HERE to get all the details on this year’s event and lock your place in while you can.
All the best,

Brien Lundin
Editor, Gold Newsletter
CEO, the New Orleans Investment Conference