Alert: Tucker Carlson’s coming to you…
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Tucker Carlson Joins “The World’s Greatest Investment Event”

I told you last week that we’re building the most extraordinary investment event seen anywhere, at any time.

I’m pleased to confirm that we’ve just signed up Tucker Carlson to provide his inimitable pre-election analysis to New Orleans Conference attendees.

The best part: There’s much more to come…

September 14, 2020

Dear Fellow Investor,

This year’s New Orleans Investment Conference keeps getting better and better.

Last week I reminded you of how we’re using the advantages of a virtual event to bring you a steady parade of extraordinary investment intelligence for months on end, from top experts, wherever they may be.

We launched that stream of content last week, with a private Zoom call between Rick Rule, Brent Cook and me, in which we divulged our top strategies and picks.

New Orleans 2020 registrants were able to listen in on that call and get all the invaluable details. (If you’re not already registered, you can get it all too, by simply registering now.)

Now, I don’t want you to think that we’re going to let this months-long virtual flow of value overshadow the actual, four-day New Orleans Conference — being held from October 14-17.

In fact, we’ve gone a long way toward guaranteeing this as one of the greatest investment events of recent history with the addition of Tucker Carlson to this year’s speaker roster.

Tucker has agreed to not only provide his typically insightful and entertaining commentary in a solo presentation, but to also join panelists Stephen Moore and Doug Casey on our Political Panel to deliver their views just days before the critical presidential election.

There’s no longer any doubt that every serious investor needs to participate in New Orleans 2020.

Here’s How To Do It…

As you know, the New Orleans Investment Conference has been radically transformed into much more than “the world’s greatest investment event.”

It’s now “the world’s greatest investment club.”

And instead of groaning about the disadvantages of a virtual format…

…We’re using it to our advantage by reaching out far and wide to bring you a steady parade of extraordinary investment intelligence for months on end, from top experts, wherever they may be.

By going virtual with this year’s New Orleans Conference, we’re not only able to link you up with experts from around the world — many of whom would have great difficulty in attending our event in person — but we can continue to give you extraordinary events and intelligence for well before and long afterward!

And we’re doing just that. Our first Private Zoom Call with Rick and Brent was just the start of our parade of value. There’s much more to come.

But let’s not forget the big event itself — when today’s top investors and experts will gather online from October 14-17.

In addition to Tucker Carlson, Stephen Moore and Doug Casey, this year’s event will also feature Robert Kiyosaki, Danielle DiMartino Booth, Jim Rickards, Rick Rule, Peter Schiff, Grant Williams…

…Peter Boockvar, Tavi Costa, Ross Beaty, The Real Estate Guys (Robert Helms and Russ Gray) and Peak Prosperity (Chris Martenson and Adam Taggart).

And it doesn’t end there! You’ll also hear from:

Mark Skousen, Mary Anne and Pamela Aden, Gary Alexander, Omar Ayales, Brian Bosse, Thom Calandra, Brent Cook, Adrian Day, Gerardo Del Real, Mickey Fulp, Lindsay Hall, Steve Hochberg, Mike Larson, Albert Lu, Bill Murphy, Ned Naylor-Leyland, Chris Powell, Gwen Preston, Dana Samuelson, Ronald-Peter Stoeferle, Lobo Tiggre.

PLUS: Jim Iuorio, Jim Bianco, Jan Nieuwenhuijs, Sean Brodrick, Dave Collum, Dominic Frisby, Lyn Alden and Rich Checkan.

And believe it or not, there’s even more to come — I’m still confirming some blockbuster experts, and these announcements will follow in the days just ahead.

This is truly going to be the world’s greatest virtual event!

The Best Deal In A Red-Hot Market

As I noted before, everyone knows that in a gold bull market, the best place to be is the New Orleans Investment Conference.

Now, you don’t have to “be” anywhere, because we’re going to bring this event to you from October 14-17...and for all year long.

So you get not only the immense value of the New Orleans Conference, but you get it many times over.

The best news is that registration for this year’s virtual New Orleans Conference is currently just $375.

That’s right. The equivalent of multiple New Orleans Investment Conferences, delivered directly to your computer, for just a few hundred dollars.

Can you imagine your return on that small investment from just one red-hot investment recommendation?

Act Now To Begin Receiving This Invaluable Investment Intelligence

In our call last week, Rick, Brent and I not only gave up our most powerful strategies for a metals bull market, we named names — both the best management teams and the best stocks to buy right now.

In fact, we shared six top stock picks…and time’s wasting to buy them before they take off.

The good news is that you can gain immediate access to the recording of this call from Brent and Rick’s living rooms by registering for New Orleans 2020 now.

And then the flow of investment intelligence will begin for you.

Don’t delay — start enjoying all our market intelligence now.

All the best,

Brien Lundin
Editor, Gold Newsletter
CEO, the New Orleans Investment Conference

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111 Veterans Memorial Blvd. Suite 1555
New Orleans, LA 70118