Friday deadline — reserve your place now
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With inflation surging and markets teetering, this year’s New Orleans Conference will be the most important in decades.
That’s why we’re expecting a sell-out…and why you’ll need to secure your place now.
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As a serious investor, you’re well aware of the unique challenges presented by today’s markets.
• Central banks – led by the Federal Reserve – intent to fight off rising inflation with rate hikes…
• The markets responding with massive sell-offs, sending a very clear message to the Fed to lay off…
• Inflation remaining at 1970s levels — and the U.S. economy hurtling toward recession…
• …While the Fed itself is running head-long into today’s towering debt loads, the insurmountable obstacle blocking their rate-hike campaign.
With all of this and more going on, many investors are caught like deer in the headlights, unsure of which way to turn.
But a few others are quietly confident, taking comfort in one unassailable fact:
| The New Orleans Conference is back in full force.
And this is why I’m writing you now: We’ve opened registration for this year’s New Orleans Investment Conference…
…And it may be the most eagerly awaited event in our 48-year history.
There are a number of reasons for the excitement.
| First, we’ll finally be “back” after a three-year absence due to the Covid pandemic.
Yes, we hosted our first post-pandemic in-person event last year, however many of our exhibiting companies and friends from around the world weren’t able to travel and join us. Still, it was an extraordinary gathering, seeping with intellectual energy from our attendees and value from our elite speakers.
Now that everyone will be able to join us, we’re going to absolutely blow the doors off with this year’s New Orleans Conference.
Our phones have been ringing and our email inboxes bursting with inquiries from across the globe.
This event is not to be missed!
| Second, the fundamentals and technicals are lined up perfectly for the precious metals, commodity and mining stock opportunities that the New Orleans Conference is renowned for offering.
• Inflation has surged to 1970s levels…real rates are more negative than at any time since the 1940s.
• The Fed is dead-set on the most aggressive monetary tightening in decades — with enormous repercussions now being felt in every investment sector.
• But with an enormous federal debt today — three times its level in 2008 — the Fed is absolutely powerless to fight inflation.
• The next big development: When the Fed is forced to retreat from its rate hikes.
• When the Fed wavers, specific investment sectors are going to explode higher.
What does it all mean?
It means you’re now facing tremendous risks and opportunities…and you have to be prepared for what’s coming.
| Third, we’ve already lined up an extraordinary roster of speakers…drawing heavily on the wildly popular experts from last year…with many more still to come.
Consider who’s told us they’re coming to talk to you so far:
James Grant...Jim Rickards…George Gammon...Danielle DiMartino Booth...Rick Rule...Brent Johnson...Tavi Costa...Peter Boockvar...Jim Iuorio...Dave Collum...Lawrence Lepard…Doug Casey...Jon Najarian & Marc LoPresti…Dominic Frisby...Adam Taggart...Bob Prechter...Adrian Day...Mark Skousen...Mary Anne & Pam Aden...Steven Hochberg...The Real Estate Guys…Brent Cook...Thom Calandra...Chris Powell...Dana Samuelson...Gary Alexander...Albert Lu...Mike Larson...Nick Hodge...Lobo Tiggre...Omar Ayales...Jeff Clark...James Stack...Bill Murphy...Sean Brodrick...Mickey Fulp...Byron King...Rich Checkan...
...and, of course, yours truly.
Again, there’s much more to come — we’re still in the midst of planning this year’s event, and I’ve got some big surprises in store.
But even at this early date, one thing seems certain…
| | New Orleans 2022
Is Going To Be A Blockbuster!
I strongly urge you to secure your place for New Orleans 2022.
You see, I don’t think I remember an investment event as eagerly awaited as this one.
Everything — the years spent mired in the pandemic…the macro-economic set-up…the geopolitical uncertainty…the teetering stock markets…soaring inflation…a looming generational commodities bull market…and the Fed’s upcoming retreat on monetary tightening — make New Orleans 2022 a must-attend event.
I fully expect our entire hotel room block to sell out this year, so you’ll have to act soon to make sure you’ll get in.
By registering now, you’ll not only save up to $400 from the full registration fee, you’ll also guarantee your place.
Just click on the link below…and join us in New Orleans!
All the best,

Brien Lundin
Editor, Gold Newsletter
CEO, the New Orleans Investment Conference
P.S. Here’s why you need to register now: Our room block at our magnificent host hotel, the New Orleans Hilton Riverside, is expiring this Friday, September 16th.
Frankly, there may be rooms available beyond this date...but we have not heard from the Hilton about an extension of the room block, and I cannot guarantee that rooms will be available.
So I urge you to register immediately for this year’s event. If you can do so before the Friday deadline, I’ll also guarantee you the lowest rate, with a full $400 savings from the on-site registration fee.
The markets are telling us that there’s big trouble ahead...and tremendous opportunity for those prepared.
You can get prepared by clicking on the link below, or calling us Toll Free at 1-800-648-8411, to reserve your place at New Orleans ’22 now.
To Register For
New Orleans 2022
And Save Up To $400
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Jefferson Companies
111 Veterans Memorial Blvd. Suite 1555
New Orleans, LA 70005
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