Trump has Covid – what does that mean for gold?
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Gold Newsletter Preview:
Keeping It Simple

In a time of constant confusion and surprises — otherwise known as 2020 — it’s important to focus on the basics.

So while everyone’s trying to “diagnose” the repercussions from President Trump contracting Covid-19, I’d advise gold investors to simply ignore it.

PLUS: Two new junior gold stock recommendations released…

October 2, 2020

Dear Fellow Investor,

So the president has Covid-19 and, in response, the gold price has tanked, soared and now sits about flat for the day.

Of course, we sincerely hope that the president and first lady recover, as well as any and all their staff and family that may have contracted the disease.

That said, I suppose you’d like me to provide my take on today’s market action in gold. But I’m not going to do that…and for a very important reason.

Ignoring The Noise

As you’ll remember, a subscriber recently wrote to take me to task for my short-term gold-price forecasts. He didn’t use the famous acronym “K.I.S.S.” (Keep It Simple, Stupid), but he might as well have.

He wrote after I’d pointed out the pennant-formation that had formed in gold, as its ever-narrowing trading range was indicating an imminent break out in the pattern, either to the upside or downside. My vote was for the upside, since this was the direction of the prevailing trend.

Of course, we all know now that it actually broke downward.

And our dear reader’s point (other than to gleefully note that I was wrong) was to advise me to instead focus on the very compelling, long-term fundamentals that virtually guarantee much higher gold prices.

He was right, of course. And as I wrote you the other day, the fact that I’m almost constantly advising our readers to do the same is prima facie evidence of how easy it is to give advice…and how hard it is to actually take it.

But when you’re in the business of producing almost daily views on the markets, it’s truly impossible to resist providing short-term commentary and predictions, at least now and then. And thus, you’re going to look foolish on occasion.

So it was with my prediction that gold was about to rally out of its consolidation pattern. Granted, similar predictions, such as the one we made last December in a similar situation, proved to be extraordinarily rewarding — a fact that obviously served to embolden me in the face of a nearly identical trading pattern for gold.

Humility restored, we’ve gained some lessons from the experience.

Most importantly, we’ve learned that we need to focus on the fact that we are now living in an age wherein ever-easier monetary policies are not only likely, but necessary. And due to the massive (and rapidly growing) levels of sovereign and corporate debt, negative real rates are also required to keep the global financial house of cards from collapsing.

This is a very powerful tailwind for metals and mining, one that will last for many years to come.

So, if our thesis is correct and we’re in the beginning stages of a multi-year bull market in gold and silver (and eventually other metals), then we need to do our level best to remain positioned in the best exploration, development and mining companies.

In that regard, the near term could be a bit choppy, as the tsunami of company financings that began building in April are now hitting the market with an equally impressive deluge of newly-freed paper.

However, this factor — combined with the setback in the metals themselves — has created some very attractive buying opportunities.

In the October issue of Gold Newsletter, just dispatched, we cover over 40 of these opportunities — including two exciting new recommendations:

1) A tiny company with two exciting gold exploration projects in the U.S. I’d always liked these projects, but the company never had enough money to drill even one of them.

Now, after a just-completed financing, they have the money…and drills are turning on both high-potential gold projects. Results are expected any day.

2) A company with a shallow gold resource ready to be mined, but with tremendous upside potential as well.

Little known to most investors, this company just raised enough money to not only expand that resource, but also start producing gold!


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Get It All Now...

Gold’s correction has stabilized. It could take off at any moment…but no one really knows, because the short term is completely unpredictable.

It’s the long term that’s so much more certain. And when we consider where gold prices will be a year or two down the road, we can be confident that they will be much higher than today.

In that very likely scenario, the two new junior gold stocks I’m recommending in the current issue of Gold Newsletter would be trading for a considerable multiple of today’s levels.

Our readers are already reaping huge profits from the junior mining stocks we’ve uncovered. And now I’m revealing two more companies I’m confident will be among tomorrow’s biggest winners.

You can get all the details — and position yourself for this monumental new bull market in metals and mining stocks — by subscribing to Gold Newsletter now.

To get a full year of Gold Newsletter…and get immediate access to our exciting October issue…simply click on the link below.

All the best,

Brien Lundin
Editor, Gold Newsletter
CEO, the New Orleans Investment Conference

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