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This time isn’t different, and past experience points to another historic, multi-year bull market in gold and silver.
PLUS: Your chance for free silver ends at midnight.
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I was a guest on another podcast a few days ago, and this one was different than anything I’d done before.
Instead of asking my views on where gold was going in the days just ahead, my host wanted to know about the history of Gold Newsletter and the “hard money” movement…and what lessons might be applicable to today.
The podcast was Mikkel Thorup’s The Expat Money Show, and we ended up talking about not only the illustrious history of this movement since the 1970s, but much more. Including:
• The historic turning point in the market for gold and precious metals…
• What’s happening in the gold market today…
• The implications of governments creating debts they can’t handle…
• The “price” of gold compared to the price of fiat currency…
• The difference between gold and currency…
• Why the stock market doing so well right now…
• The importance of diversification in precious metals, and how to do it…
• Important pitfalls to watch for when buying and storing physical gold…
• And much more.
Suffice to say, this was a very enjoyable and, I firmly believe, valuable conversation.
You can listen to it here, and I urge you to do so.
But I’ll share perhaps the most important take-away with you now…
The Best Metals And Mining Investment
You Can Make: Yourself
One of the things I stressed to Mikkel and his audience was the importance of educating yourself before dipping into the precious metals and mining share market.
There are lots of pitfalls that can entrap a novice investor, ranging from paying a bit too much for your metals to getting completely ripped off.
And granted, it can be intimidating for newbies to the sector. There are so many ways to invest, from physical metals to options/futures to ETFs to mining equities and more…and within each of these there are spectrums of opportunities with their own advantages and disadvantages.
My advice has always been to, first and foremost, secure your physical bullion holdings. Diversify that among both gold and silver (and I like “junk” silver), and make sure a goodly portion of that is within easy access.
Then you can explore the other micro-sectors, some of which can offer extreme leverage to the moves in the metals (with commensurate added risk, of course).
In the mining stocks, my advice is similar: Do your homework…and invest in your education!
You see, the mining sector, especially the juniors, is an exceedingly inefficient market. That means those who put in the time, sweat and money — who subscribe to a few of the best newsletters, attend the top conferences and do their own due diligence — can gain a real, tangible advantage in the market.
That means you can find the best emerging stories, early on, and potentially reap life-changing rewards. Especially in the early stages of a secular bull market…as we are right now.
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Fortunately, the single best way to educate yourself on this sector is right in front of you: The New Orleans Investment Conference.
New Orleans 2020 is coming next week and, as I told you a few days ago, it’s going to feature an amazing roster of world-class experts, including…
Tucker Carlson, Stephen Moore, Doug Casey, Robert Kiyosaki, Danielle DiMartino Booth, Jim Rickards, Rick Rule, Peter Schiff, Grant Williams, Peter Boockvar…
…Tavi Costa, Ross Beaty, The Real Estate Guys (Robert Helms and Russ Gray) and Peak Prosperity (Chris Martenson and Adam Taggart), Jim Iuorio, Jim Bianco, Jan Nieuwenhuijs, Dave Collum, Dominic Frisby, Lyn Alden, Ned Naylor-Leyland, Jan Nieuwenhuijs, Ronald-Peter Stoeferle and dozens more.
As I said, New Orleans 2020 is coming up, from October 14-17 — beginning next Wednesday.
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I can’t stress enough the importance of you registering for New Orleans 2020 right now. For one thing, delaying may mean you forget about it…and completely miss out.
To help prevent that from happening, however, I’m offering a free Walking Liberty Silver Half Dollar to anyone who registers before midnight, Central time, tonight.
I’m hoping this extra incentive will get you to take a few moments to register right now.
Not only will we rush your free, historic silver coin out to you…but you’ll also get timely investment strategies and recommendations that could be worth literally thousands of times the small registration fee.
And don’t worry if you can’t make all the sessions next week, because every moment will be recorded and available for you for months to come…as well as many more valuable events and presentations that we’ll bring your way.
So click on the link below right now to make sure you get it all.
All the best,

Brien Lundin
Editor, Gold Newsletter
CEO, the New Orleans Investment Conference
P.S. If you’ve already paid for a registration to New Orleans 2020, don’t worry — you’ll get a free Walking Liberty Silver Half Dollar sent to you, and you already have access to my private Zoom calls with experts like Gwen Preston, Rick Rule and more.
But if you haven’t registered yet, you’ll have to do so by midnight tonight to get your free, historic silver half dollar!
To Register For New Orleans 2020
And Get Your Free Silver Coin
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As you know, every investment entails risk. Golden Opportunities hasn’t researched and cannot assess the suitability of any investments mentioned or advertised by our advertisers. We recommend you conduct your own due diligence and consult with your financial adviser before entering into any type of financial investment.
Golden Opportunities
Jefferson Companies
111 Veterans Memorial Blvd. Suite 1555
New Orleans, LA 70118
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