Is the gold rebound beginning? | | You are receiving this message because you have specifically subscribed to Golden Opportunities, have purchased a product or have registered for a conference with us or with one of our partners. If you'd rather not receive emails from us, please click the link at the bottom of this page to unsubscribe from our database. Remember your personal information will never be rented or sold and you may unsubscribe at any time. | |
Is The Gold Rebound Beginning? | |
The Federal Reserve’s own data are showing the potential for the most profitable gold bull market ever.
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Gold soared over $30 on Friday, and today it’s down about nine dollars after that big rally.
That big move in gold last week, combined with a few good sessions previously, has investors wondering if the correction is over.
The answer — or at least my answer — is that it’s too early to tell.
If I had to bet, I’d say that we still have another down-leg in store, or at least an extended time of sideways trading before the next rally begins. There’s a great chance that the U.S. presidential election will spark the new move higher.
However, I’m not betting on the next rally in gold. I’m betting on the simple and unassailable fact that the gold price will be much, much higher months and years down the road.
The fact is, the Fed and all the rest of the world’s central banks have no choice but to keep the house of cards they’ve built intact.
There will be more (much more) stimulus spending, currency printing and debt creation to come.
Just consider this chart, taken from the Federal Reserve itself, to get an idea of what’s going on at this very moment:
This chart shows the massive rate of change in the U.S. M2 money stock — the increase in actual currency in circulation — in response to the pandemic shutdown.
These stimulus efforts, by both the central bank and Congress, have broken all the records previously set in response to the 2008 financial crisis.
That’s partly because this newly created money has been aimed at Main Street instead of Wall Street. But what’s interesting is that the velocity of the money stock (its turnover in the economy) has plummeted at the same time.
This is why the reported measures of inflation are still muted. People are worried, rightly so, about the future, so they’re still restrained in their spending. And with so many businesses shuttered or nearly closed down, there’s nowhere for the money to go in any case.
This means that, once the economy opens up (whether the result of a vaccine or simply getting the presidential election behind us), all of this new money is going to start moving more and more quickly…
…And the inflationary pressures are going to build up tremendously.
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“May You Live In Interesting Times…”
The famed Chinese curse above was probably written millennia ago, but they probably had something like 2020 in mind.
So many people are saying how they can’t wait until this year is behind us, but they’re sadly mistaken if they think 2021 is going to be less “interesting.”
Hopefully we’ll have this pandemic behind us, but the repercussions of this monetary stimulus, and the trillions more to be expended to keep the bubbles inflated, will be with us for years to come.
And that’s why you, me and anyone with significant assets or loved ones to care for absolutely have to be prepared for the harsh new realities to come.
And that’s why I’ve used the advantages of this virtual world to assemble the greatest line-up of experts together in one “place,” and at one time.
It’s this year’s New Orleans Investment Conference, and now it’s only hours away.
I’ve written before of how New Orleans 2020 — beginning this Wednesday afternoon — is featuring a roster of world-class experts, including…
Tucker Carlson, Stephen Moore, Doug Casey, Robert Kiyosaki, Danielle DiMartino Booth, Jim Rickards, Rick Rule, Peter Schiff, Grant Williams, Peter Boockvar…
…Tavi Costa, Ross Beaty, The Real Estate Guys (Robert Helms and Russ Gray) and Peak Prosperity (Chris Martenson and Adam Taggart), Jim Iuorio, Jim Bianco, Jan Nieuwenhuijs, Dave Collum, Dominic Frisby, Lyn Alden, Ned Naylor-Leyland, Jan Nieuwenhuijs, Ronald-Peter Stoeferle and dozens more.
But one thing I haven’t stressed enough is that this will be your only chance to hear what these experts have to say about how to protect and build your wealth through the crazy days to come.
Just one tip from our speakers could pay for the cost of registration thousands of times over…yet none of these presentations, not a single word, will ever be released to the public!
New Orleans 2020 will be recorded in its entirety for registered attendees to review for months to come.
Plus, we’re adding much more valuable content through the course of the year.
Yet, unlike so much content these days, not a second of our speaker presentations will be available on YouTube or anywhere else.
Your only chance to get all this market intelligence is to register for New Orleans 2020.
With the conference beginning on Wednesday, I suggest you beat the rush and sign up now by clicking on the link below.
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All the best,
Brien Lundin
Editor, Gold Newsletter
CEO, the New Orleans Investment Conference
To Learn More About
New Orleans 2020
And To Register Now
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Golden Opportunities
Jefferson Companies
111 Veterans Memorial Blvd. Suite 1555
New Orleans, LA 70118
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