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Gold Newsletter Preview: | Get Your Election Protection Now | |
As businesses around the U.S. board up in preparation for post-election turmoil, investors are wondering how they can “board up” their portfolios.
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There’s a lot at stake in tomorrow’s U.S. presidential election.
And many people and businesses are anticipating that their very livelihoods, and even lives, are potentially at risk. They’re boarding up their businesses or heading for the hills in the expectation of mass riots and violence if President Trump is re-elected.
I certainly won’t tell anyone they’re over-reacting. As we’ve seen, anything can happen — and probably will in this case.
But that begs the question of what the election will mean for our investments.
In that regard, our friend and noted gold analyst Ronnie Stoeferle retweeted the post of another popular analyst, Luke Gromen of The Forest for the Trees, LLC investment publisher.
I think Luke’s “decision tree” captured the potential economic repercussions of this election perfectly:
In short, no matter who wins control of the White House and Congress, the macro picture will remain the same.
And that macro picture is one of unrestrained money printing, debt creation and currency devaluation for years to come.
So it’s not the election you need to protect yourself from, but rather the economic policies that will be in place no matter what the outcome will be.
And because these policies will mean much higher prices for gold, silver and mining stocks, that’s where you need to turn for protection.
Focusing On The Big Picture
I cover all of this in the November issue of Gold Newsletter, released late last week.
I report on the massive market volatility of last week and what it did to the equity and metals markets, and review why we need to maintain our focus on the larger, macro issues at play.
In short, I show why we need to avoid getting shaken out by the volatility and maintaining our protective positions in the metals and mining stocks.
I also go into great detail on how to invest in the sector, covering dozens of today’s hottest junior mining equities…
…And revealing one very special new stock pick — a red-hot new company that is now drilling a target that has all the earmarks of a nearby deposit.
That deposit happens to host the fourth-largest gold mine in the world.
If the first drill results from this program are in any way supportive of that model, this stock will soar.
If that happens, it’s only days away.
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You can get all the details — and position yourself for the ongoing new bull market in metals and mining stocks — by subscribing to Gold Newsletter now.
To get a full year of Gold Newsletter…and get immediate access to our exciting November issue with my latest major buy recommendation…simply click on the link below.
| | All the best,

Brien Lundin
Editor, Gold Newsletter
CEO, the New Orleans Investment Conference
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