Vaccine news sinks gold, for now… | | You are receiving this message because you have specifically subscribed to Golden Opportunities, have purchased a product or have registered for a conference with us or with one of our partners. If you'd rather not receive emails from us, please click the link at the bottom of this page to unsubscribe from our database. Remember your personal information will never be rented or sold and you may unsubscribe at any time. | |
Positive results this morning for a Covid vaccine send stock markets soaring and gold plummeting.
Here’s why this is good news for those hoping to get into a metals and mining bull market for the ages.
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This is what we’ve been waiting for.
We’ve always expected that news of a Covid-19 vaccine was coming, and that it would knock the prices of metals and mining stocks for a loop when it came.
Well, it came today — sending gold down over $85 and silver off by over 6%.
Make no mistake, these positive vaccine results are good news for the world, but do nothing to change the massively bullish long-term picture for gold and silver.
That macro view is based on entirely separate factors than the markets’ short-term need for stimulus spending, which is the only thing this news might affect.
And it probably won’t even affect that to any great degree.
What this event does, however, is create perhaps one last buying opportunity for metals and high-powered mining shares before the longer-term macro factors assert themselves.
Those factors revolve around the addiction of markets to ever-easier monetary policies…and the absolute necessity for such policies going forward, thanks to the monumental debts that have been accumulated.
The good news is that those factors — as well as the specific investments poised to multiply in value as a result — are all clearly explained in one place.
The World’s Greatest Investment Event
— Unbound By Time And Space
Our recently concluded New Orleans Investment Conference was perhaps the most well-timed in our 46-year history.
This year’s event was conducted virtually, so attendees missed the in-person interaction.
But the good news is that this virtual nature means that every word was faithfully recorded.
And the even better news is that the event brought together an amazing roster of top experts from across the globe.
Attendees were wowed by presentations from Tucker Carlson, Stephen Moore, Doug Casey, Robert Kiyosaki, Danielle DiMartino Booth, Jim Rickards, Rick Rule, Peter Schiff, Grant Williams…
…Peter Boockvar, Tavi Costa, Ross Beaty, The Real Estate Guys (Robert Helms and Russ Gray) and Peak Prosperity (Chris Martenson and Adam Taggart).
And it didn’t end there! Attendees also heard from:
Mark Skousen, Mary Anne Aden, Gary Alexander, Omar Ayales, Brian Bosse, Thom Calandra, Brent Cook, Adrian Day, Gerardo Del Real, Mickey Fulp, Mike Larson, Albert Lu, Ned Naylor-Leyland, Chris Powell, Gwen Preston, Dana Samuelson, Ronald-Peter Stoeferle, Lobo Tiggre.
PLUS: Jim Iuorio, Jim Bianco, Jan Nieuwenhuijs, Sean Brodrick, Dave Collum, Dominic Frisby, Lyn Alden, Rich Checkan…and more.
That’s an all-star line-up that transcends anything else you’ll find at any other investment event.
Moreover, because speakers knew that their remarks wouldn’t end up on YouTube or floating around the Internet forever — because only paid members would have access — they were free to be completely frank and offer unhedged predictions and picks.
And as incredible as New Orleans 2020 was, it’s just the beginning….
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The Conference With
Value That Never Ends...
Now consider this: New Orleans Conference Club members get all the value of this blockbuster conference — and much more.
That’s because our club will continue delivering the same kind of value to you throughout the year.
That means...
• Up-to-the-minute presentations from today’s top experts in every investment market
• Timely, entertaining panels bringing together a number of leading authorities on vital topics and sectors. (I just recorded a post-election panel with Peter Boockvar, Adrian Day, Byron King and Albert Lu, which you can get immediate access to!)
• Question-and-answer opportunities so you can get your specific concerns addressed
• Continued access to and engagement with the most exciting small-cap companies
And all of this delivered on a regular basis, all year long. More than a one-off conference, the legendary New Orleans Conference has been transformed into a kind of “New Orleans Conference Club,” with a membership of ultra-smart and successful investors.
You don’t pay a separate price for each event or presentation. By signing up for the New Orleans Conference, you get it all at no additional cost!
The Best Deal In A Red-Hot Market
Everyone knows that the best place to be in a gold bull market is the New Orleans Investment Conference.
Now, you don’t have to “be” anywhere, because all the value from this extraordinary event will be delivered to you immediately…with even more exclusive presentations for months to come.
You not only get the immense value of the New Orleans Conference, but you get it many times over.
Don’t delay. If you’re a serious investor, you need to discover the insights, strategies, forecasts and specific tips from this year’s New Orleans Investment Conference.
This is especially important as today’s sell-off is presenting us with perhaps one last chance to get positioned for a multi-year bull run in metals and mining.
Click on the link below to gain immediate access to it all….
| All the best,

Brien Lundin
Editor, Gold Newsletter
CEO, the New Orleans Investment Conference
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Golden Opportunities
Jefferson Companies
111 Veterans Memorial Blvd. Suite 1555
New Orleans, LA 70118
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