Gold keeps finding a reason to rise...
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According To Plan

Gold is following the script we predicted in perfect fashion so far.

But what does the future hold?

Dear Fellow Investor,

Gold couldn’t be following the plan any more closely.

As you know, we predicted the price of gold would decline up until the Fed’s December rate hike, but would soon begin another major rally after that.

Of course, that’s precisely what’s happened.

In fact, until it broke the streak on Tuesday, gold had risen a record 11 sessions in a row — the longest such streak since at least 1984.

Of course, it needed a break to consolidate those gains, so it wasn’t surprising to see the metal drop back by about $5 on Tuesday.

But then we saw a big gain in gold yesterday, as rumors swirled that China was going to cut back on its buying of U.S. Treasuries. In response, we saw a global rout in bonds, with yields soaring and prices plummeting...while the U.S. Dollar Index also took a nose-dive.

By the end of the day, gold trimmed its gains and the dollar won back some of its losses. Today, gold is up again once more, again by about $5, as the dollar has continued to fall despite the fact that the bond turmoil has settled down.

Here’s the important point: Gold keeps finding some reason to rise.

And these are just the latest examples. Over its remarkable 11-session winning streak, it seemed that every new piece of information was interpreted by investors as being bullish for gold.

That’s the hallmark of a bull market, and the reason why I feel gold has switched back into bullish mode. This means it’s likely that we’ll see a big rally over the coming months, much like we saw in 2016 and 2017.

Why? For now, we don’t need to know the reasons behind the rally — just that gold is looking for reasons to rise.

That said, there are plenty of fundamental and technical indicators pointing toward an extended rally in gold and mining shares.

Even better news: The mining stocks have yet to respond, so bargains remain. And not only that, but there are other metals — including some critical energy metals — that seem destined for huge gains over the coming months.

We’re detailing a lot of these opportunities in Gold Newsletter, and you can get my ongoing coverage by subscribing here.

But there’s another way to get the scoop — and not only from me, but from five of the world’s leading experts....

Watch The Money, Metals and Mining Webinar Now...

As you know, a few weeks ago we broadcast the first-ever Money, Metals and Mining Webinar, featuring a “dream team” of experts including Rick Rule, Mike Burnick, Sean Brodrick, Byron King and yours truly.

Thousands of investors signed up for this historic event...temporarily overloading the servers!

But many investors have told us that they missed the event due to other commitments during the holiday season.

Fortunately, we recorded every minute, and the great people at SprottMedia have just posted it onto their YouTube channel.

You can now watch it at your leisure, with no registration required.

I urge you to do so as soon as you can. You’ll discover not only our short-term forecasts for the metals and mining shares, but also our views on the longer-term opportunities.

And we cover more than the precious metals. In fact, we also present some exciting developments in energy metals that, as I said, seem all but certain to deliver huge profits over the coming months.

I can’t recommend this recording enough — everything we laid out is happening right now, but there’s still time to take advantage of the opportunity.

If you’re a serious investor, you should give it a listen right now. Just click on the link below.

All the best,

Brien Lundin
Editor, Gold Newsletter
CEO, the New Orleans Investment Conference

To Listen To The
Money, Metals and Mining Webinar


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