We told you the dollar was going to dive...
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Gold Is Soaring...

...As our prediction last week of a dollar dive has come true.

Now, here's what you need to do about it.

Dear Fellow Investor,

I told you a week ago that the dollar was on the verge of a big dive downward.

I also told you that when this happens, you should expect gold to soar in response.

Well, it's all happening right now.

The good news: There's more to come...and I'm going to show you how to take advantage of it....

Key Levels Are Being
Broached At This Moment

To refresh your memory, here's what I wrote in this letter last week:

"...A support line drawn along the Dollar Index's bottoms since 2015 shows a key support level right around 90.50 on the index.

"As I write, the Dollar Index is trading at 90.42. If it doesn't hold this support, then far lower levels — with an "80 handle" — lie directly ahead.

"Bottom line, the market is telling us that the dollar is headed down. With skepticism that the Fed will be able to aggressively pursue its rate-hike campaign in 2018, and with European central bankers just beginning to ratchet down quantitative easing and beginning the process of quantitative tightening, the dollar will be pressured lower.

"And thus, gold will be pressured higher.

"This is the time to make sure you're correctly positioned."

To be clear, that key 90.50 support level was pointed out to me by my friend Ron Griess of TheChartStore.com. I find his service invaluable — especially his weekly Chart Blog — in determining key turning points for all the markets.

And it worked like a charm this time. Just as we told you, once that key support level for the Dollar Index was broken, the greenback dove into the 80s.

Helping it along were comments early today by Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin who, while speaking at the World Economic Forum in Davos, noted that the weaker dollar "is good for us as it related to trade and opportunities."

Already falling, the dollar's dive steepened at that point.

Mnuchin wasn't helped much when Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross was interviewed later on CNBC. In an attempt to soften the Treasury Secretary's comments, Ross noted that the dollar's value wasn't something they were "concerned about on a day-to-day basis."

Thanks for the help, Wilbur!

As you might expect, this only strengthened the trends already in place. And one of those was a soaring gold price.

As I write, gold is up about $16.00, so far. Importantly, silver is up even more on a percentage basis...and gold stocks are also providing important leverage to the upside.

These are important hallmarks of a strong, long-term bull market based on monetary factors.

Much More To Come...

I just returned from a couple of big metals and mining conferences in Vancouver, and I can tell you that they were buzzing with excitement.

Because up until the last few days, neither silver nor the mining stocks were responding to the big rally in gold. Now they are...with a vengeance.

And there's more to come. In his Chart Blog, Ron has also featured Bollinger Band and 14-week Stochastic charts of gold and the dollar that are pointing toward higher levels for gold and lower levels for the greenback.

In particular, I think the stochastics are pointing toward at least another three months or so of dollar weakness and gold strength. That means junior mining companies with proven resources would soar from current levels.

And the charts indicate that these trends could last well into the summer, at which point we'll start to get news from the best junior exploration stocks. This will be another premier profit opportunity.

And frankly, I'm confident that this is the start of another big, multi-year run in metals and mining stocks — the type of fortune-building run that we saw in the early 2000s.

So how do you take advantage of this rare opportunity?

Two ways:

1) Subscribe to Gold Newsletter. We've been right on top of this major new gold rally in Gold Newsletter, and many of our recent picks are leaping higher in value as I write.

But I've discovered three exciting new companies to recommend in our February issue, being released next week. Two of these companies seem ready to explode higher, while one has already begun to move (with much, much more to come).

You'll discover all the details in our next issue, with full coverage of the entire sector and all our recommended companies over the coming year - but only if you subscribe now.

In fact...I'll let you subscribe at half price if you act within the next 24 hours.

Just CLICK HERE to capture this limited-time opportunity.

2) Get onboard the Money, Metals and Mining Cruise. As you know, this year's cruise — a luxurious, 10-day adventure from Marseille to London — will feature a "dream team" of experts including Rick Rule, Mike Burnick, Sean Brodrick, Byron King and yours truly.

I talked with a few of my fellow cruisers, both speakers and attendees, while I was in Vancouver, and I can tell you that they can't wait to get onboard and explore the tremendous opportunities this market is providing.

Not only gold, silver and their associated mining stocks, but also the energy metals like cobalt, copper and lithium...this is truly the kind of opportunity that has resulted in life-changing gains in the past.

This is a rare chance to mingle with noted experts and accomplished fellow investors in some of the world's most inspiring locales. But it will be limited to a precious few — the Crystal Cruise Line has been ranked as the No. 1 in its class for many years, but it maintains this lofty ranking by keeping its ships relatively small and very exclusive.

But there's yet another reason for urgency, and it's a big one:

If you sign up before the end of January, you'll get a $600 shipboard credit from Crystal Cruise Line!

Yes, they're throwing money at you to take advantage of this incredible opportunity to make a small fortune...and have the time of your life while you're doing it.

But you have to lock your place in now.

While you still can, I urge you to call our partners at the MoneyShow group toll free toll free at 800-797-9519 (and mention priority code 043816) or CLICK HERE to learn more on the cruise.

Whatever you do, act now to take advantage of this new bull run in metals and mining shares. This is precisely what we've been waiting for.

All the best,

Brien Lundin
Editor, Gold Newsletter
CEO, the New Orleans Investment Conference

P.S. Remember, the first-ever Money, Metals and Mining Webinar we produced to provide the latest views of our cruise speakers, as well as a preview of what we'll be talking about on the cruise, is now available on YouTube.

Just CLICK HERE to watch it now.


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