Brien Lundin: How I Became a Gold Bug
Fergus Hodgson, August 24, 2018
Prominent metals investor Brien Lundin, CEO of Jefferson Companies, shares memories and insights from his three decades in the business.
He tells the story of how he met Jim Blanchard, the “ultimate gold bug” who fought for the legalization of gold ownership and took Lundin under his wing.
Lundin believes we are at a critical point for investors to protect themselves from the next inevitable crisis. He also hopes to continue Blanchard’s legacy by expanding the right to hold and trade gold alongside the US dollar.

Brien Lundin at last year’s New Orleans Investment Conference. (NOIC)
Recommended Links
- Visit the New Orleans Investment Conference’s website.
- Get a copy of Confessions of a Gold Bug, the autobiographical book by James Blanchard.
- The Heroic Gold Bug You Never Heard Of, by Fergus Hodgson.
- Read this 1983 interview with James Blanchard in Reason magazine.
- Listen to our first podcast on the genesis of Gold Newsletter and the gold movement.
Fergus Hodgson is Gold Newsletter’s roving editor. Follow him on Twitter and Facebook.