Frank Worley López: How Puerto Rico Can Go from Default to Capitalism

Fergus Hodgson, 23 October 2016 rss iTunes SoundCloud-logo


Frank Worley López is a long-time blogger and author on all things Puerto Rico, and he founded the island’s chapter of the Libertarian Party in the 1990s. If you want to understand Puerto Rico, there is no better man, and he details a way for the island to emerge from the ashes of default.

Worley favors conditional independence. In other words, he is eager for the island to get out from under the US federal government, but only if the new nation has a capitalist constitution. The alternative, another basket-case socialist country in Latin America, is even worse than the status quo.

Vieques Island was once home to a US naval base, but now it is a tourist haven, given its incredible beaches. The one problem is that crime is rampant, and Frank Worley López recommends people stay away. He noted that in 2011, if the island were a nation, it would have had the highest murder rate in the world. (Trey Ratcliff)

Vieques Island was once home to a US naval base, but now it is a tourist haven, given its incredible beaches. The one problem is that crime is rampant, and Frank Worley López recommends people stay away. He noted that in 2011, if the island were a nation, it would have had the highest murder rate in the world. (Trey Ratcliff)

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Fergus Hodgson (@FergHodgson) is an economic consultant and Gold Newsletter‘s roving editor.