So You Want to Be a Resource Investor
Fergus Hodgson, November 1, 2018
We have all heard stories of years of savings squandered due to rushed investment decisions and gut instincts. In highly technical fields such as junior mining and precious metals, perils for newcomers abound.
That’s why Gwen Preston cautions against misleading offers and recommends figuring out one’s risk profile first. With a background in chemistry and journalism, she leads her own investing publication: Resource Maven.
To succeed in resource investing, one must follow global macroeconomic trends and get to know the management team in charge of the exploration. Above all, don’t go it alone.

Exploration stocks require constant vigilance and following the news, says Gwen Preston. (Resource Maven)
Recommended Links
- Visit Gwen’s website and follow her on Twitter.
- Read “Keys to Resource Investing,” by Gwen Preston.
If You Liked This Episode
- “Hunt for Zinc and Uranium with Gwen Preston,” Gold Newsletter Podcast.
- “Master Data as a Lay Investor,” Gold Newsletter Podcast.
- “Cut the Wheat from the Chaff of Mining,” Gold Newsletter Podcast.
Fergus Hodgson is Gold Newsletter’s roving editor. Follow him on Twitter and Facebook.