Start Your Own Stock Market

Fergus Hodgson, January 22, 2018 rss iTunes SoundCloud-logo


Where are the customers’ yachts? The title of the legendary book in finance by Fred Schwed points to the inefficiency of financial markets and the way they often benefit the administrators more than the investors. Olav Dirkmaat wasn’t about to accept that status quo, so he started a new online stock market, based in the Netherlands.

Now an economics instructor at Francisco Marroquín University in Guatemala, the stock market he got rolling is Nxchange. Also the the vice president of Market Trends, he explains the case for a broker-less market, to cut out the middleman, and how bringing this approach to fruition can be done.

Olav Dirkmaat is an economist in the Austrian tradition, and he applies his academic work to the world of finance.

Olav Dirkmaat is an economist in the Austrian tradition, and he applies his academic work to the world of finance.

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Fergus Hodgson is Gold Newsletter’s roving editor. Follow him on Twitter and Facebook.