Tone Vays: Demystifying the Blockchain, Avoiding Digital Snake Oil
Fergus Hodgson, 30 December 2016
If you don’t know what the blockchain is, you are not alone, and Peter Van Valkenburgh of the Coin Center has written that it is a “buzzword with little meaning.”
Another skeptic when it comes to many companies in the blockchain and cryptocurrency domain is Tone Vays. An independent consultant and participant in the Bitcoin Group program, Vays has many warnings for the newcomer, and his belief is that only bitcoin will survive as the natural monopoly for cryptocurrency. In particular, he explains that bitcoin sells itself, based on its innovation alone, without the need for a marketing team.

Tone Vays has showed particular concern for the instability and hype of Steemit, and debated publicly against it. (Distributed Lab)
Recommended Links
- “Open Matters: Why Permissionless Blockchains are Essential to the Future of the Internet” by Peter Van Valkenburgh of the Coin Center.
- “All Change at Steemit amid Criticism and Plunge in Value” by William Suberg of Bitcoin News.
- World Crypto Network.
- Tone Vays YouTube channel.
Fergus Hodgson (@FergHodgson) is an economic consultant and Gold Newsletter‘s roving editor.