Vancouver: The World’s Mining Hub

Fergus Hodgson, September 17, 2018 rss iTunes SoundCloud-logo


Everybody knows that mining is a major economic force in Canada. However, the magnitude of Vancouver’s dominance on the world stage is less known. In fact, the city is the home to over 800 mining and junior prospecting companies, while the next best foreign city—Perth, Australia—has not even one third that many.

Karleigh Middlemiss, a human-resources specialist with IDM Mining, explains why Vancouver is head and shoulders above any other city in the world for mining. She also offers tips for those interested in entering the field.

vancouver mining

Mountains in the landscape behind the skyline of Vancouver, Canada. (Deb Rousseau)

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Fergus Hodgson is Gold Newsletter’s roving editor. Follow him on Twitter and Facebook.