Why Ayn Rand Lives On
Fergus Hodgson, 8 September 2017
Ludwig von Mises once described Ayn Rand as the most courageous man in America. Such was her unabashed and proud nature, she relished being described as a man.
More than 30 years on since her death, she remains perhaps the most popular philosopher among the general public, given the proliferation of her works of fiction. However, she has largely failed to garner respect within the community of professional philosophers.
Andrew Bernstein holds a PhD from the City University of New York and is one of the few objectivists in the field. He explains why her influence is growing, slowly but surely, and why objectivism is worthy of study and refinement.

Andrew Bernstein gave three lectures at the Objectivist Forum in August at Francisco Marroquín University (UFM) in Guatemala. Distinctly capitalist, the university has a master’s program in objectivist philosophy. (@vihues)
Recommended Links
- The Capitalist Manifesto by Andrew Bernstein (University Press of America, 2005).
- American Capitalist Party.
- Ayn Rand Society.
- Ayn Rand’s final lecture: “The Sanction of Victims” (New Orleans Investment Conference, 1981).
- Tara Smith, University of Texas at Austin.
Fergus Hodgson is Gold Newsletter’s roving editor. Follow him on Twitter and Facebook.