Podcast Episodes 1-10
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Ep. 10: Doug Casey: How Fiction Can Change the World
Fergus Hodgson, October 14, 2016
Doug Casey is one of the original gold bugs, and first garnered attention back in 1976 with his book The International Man. He went on to found Casey Research and has now moved on to fiction with his writing. His latest book, Speculator, came out at the end of September this year. More…
Ep. 9: Ed Griffin: Economics in the Age of Propaganda
Fergus Hodgson, October 6, 2016
G. Edward Griffin has perhaps done more than anyone to raise understanding of the Federal Reserve and unbacked fiat currencies, up with the likes of former Congressman Ron Paul (R-TX). His book, The Creature from Jekyll Island, is now in its fifth edition and is the gold standard for those wanting to look behind the curtain. More…
Ep. 8: Peter Schiff: Central Banks Were Inflation Firemen, Now Arsonists
Fergus Hodgson, September 29, 2016
Peter Schiff has gained notoriety as a specialist in market bubbles, particularly in the US context. He will be a guest at the upcoming New Orleans Investment Conference, and he unleashes in this episode and tears the Federal Reserve to shreds, noting that they have trapped themselves with consecutive expansions to the monetary base. Now, despite inflationary pressure, they are powerless to raise interest rates without causing a default in the federal government. More…
Ep. 7: Peter Boockvar: The Fed Has Overdosed on Social Justice
Fergus Hodgson, September 22, 2016
The Federal Reserve’s Open Market Committee has chosen to resist raising the federal-funds rate, the base interest rate in the U.S. economy. Peter Boockvar delivers the skinny on how these decisions are always influenced by politics, and why a corrective recession is inevitable and will only worsen with time. More…
Ep. 6: Darrell Castle: Forget the Corrupt GOP
Fergus Hodgson, September 14, 2016
Beyond the fanfare and drama of the Democratic and GOP campaigns for the presidency are the third or minor parties. Because these candidates are driven by conviction rather than a likely chance at power, they tend to shoot from the hip, and that is why Darrell Castle was such a welcome guest on the show. More…
Episodes 21-25 • Episodes 16-20 • Episodes 11-15 • Episodes 1-5
Ep. 5: Jim Grant, Steve Moore: Trump’s Potential and How to Beat the “New Normal”
Fergus Hodgson, September 8, 2016
The new normal is a term bandied about within the think-tank world, and it describes the weak performance of the US economy for the better part of the last decade. Stephen Moore, a distinguished visiting fellow with the Heritage Foundation and advisor to Donald Trump, explains how to get out of this and the potential for a new boom era. James Grant, founder and editor of Grant’s Interest Rate Observer, discusses the macroeconomic implications of the non-recovery. More…
Ep. 4: Bob Murphy: US Stock Market Overdue for a Tumble
Fergus Hodgson, August 29, 2016
Rosario, Argentina, became home to the Austrian school of economics last week, with more than 300 people gathering at the International Congress to unveil their latest research — translated live between Spanish and English. This was not an event for mincing words, and two speakers were willing to share their contrarian views on the podcast. More…
Ep. 3: Rick Rule Demystifies Market Psychology
Fergus Hodgson, August 24, 2016
We are only three episodes in, but the podcast is on a roll, and Rick Rule has delivered. The president and CEO of Sprott US Holdings is, in the words of Brien Lundin, “the most successful speculator in the resource industry — that’s any extractive industry out there.” More…
Ep. 2: The Great Debate: Michael Larson on Optimists versus Pessimists
Fergus Hodgson, August 17, 2016
Michael Larson has written that he “can’t remember seeing such a wild split in views on so many different markets.… One side argues we’re heading into a recession. The other argues the economy is heating back up.” More…
Ep. 1: Legalize It! The Genesis of Gold Newsletter
Fergus Hodgson, August 10, 2016
Brien Lundin joins me for the debut podcast episode. He shares the history of Gold Newsletter, how he got involved, and why precious metals remain as relevant as ever. Further, he weighs in on how young people can enter the market and build their own investment portfolios. More…
Episodes 44-54 • Episodes 33-43 • Episodes 22-32 • Episodes 11-21