The Gold Bug’s Day in the Sun
The market is showing increasing signs that the gold breakout is genuine. David Skarica, founder and editor of the investment newsletter Addicted to Profits, sees a confirmation in junior-mining companies starting to rally.
The future of precious metals looks bright, he argues, unlike corporate debt, which will probably trigger the next financial crisis.

Corporate bonds are going to be the next mortgage-backed securities, says David. (Flickr)
Recommended Links
- Connect with David on Twitter and check out Addicted to Profits.
- Watch “Corporate Bonds the Next Big Short.”
- Get a copy of his book The Great Super Cycle: Profit from the Coming Inflation Tidal Wave and Dollar Devaluation.
- “Trading the Gold-Silver Ratio,” Investopedia.
- “The Gold Rush Heats Up as Sub-Zero Yields Spread,” Bloomberg News.
If You Liked This Episode
- “The Sky Is the Limit for Gold,” Gold Newsletter Podcast.
- “Brien Lundin: How I Became a Gold Bug,” Gold Newsletter Podcast.
- “How the Fed’s Low Rates Became an Addiction,” Gold Newsletter Podcast.
- “Be the First to the Bull Market,” Gold Newsletter Podcast.
Fergus Hodgson is Gold Newsletter’s roving editor. Follow him on Twitter and Facebook.