Reddit Investors Show Wall Street They Can Do Just As Much Cocaine
A group of millennials, coordinating through a Reddit board, have shocked the financial world by proving they can do just as much cocaine as Wall Street professionals.
“The hedge fund crowd thinks that because they’re millionaires with fancy suits and lightning-fast computers that means they’re better than us and can do more cocaine than us,” said Redditer Mitch Hornsby, a spokesman for the group. He continued, “It was a lot of late nights but we did it.”
Wall Street bankers have been quick to attack the claim, demanding evidence, and saying that generalist investors could never do that much cocaine without dying.
In defense, Hornsby points out the highly speculative nature of the trades Reddit investors executed, saying, “These are the same patterns seen on Wall Street every day. Only someone continually ingesting mountains of cocaine could interact with the market in this manner.”
When asked about what’s next for the group, Hornsby sniffled a couple times, closed his eyes hard, and said, “No idea, I need sleep.”